

Siralim Ultimate


Blitzkrieg502Your creatures’ attacks that happen simultaneously to the same target deal 1% more damage per rank than the last.
Maximum Bonus: 50% more damage
Controlled Anger1100×After your creatures take 2 turns, they become immune to debuffs for the rest of the battle.2ターン経過後、その戦闘でデバフを受けなくなる。
Mental Clarity1100After your creatures take 2 turns, they can Cast spells without consuming any Charges for the rest of the battle.2ターン経過後、その戦闘でスペルのチャージを消費しなくなる。
Mercurial1100After your creatures are Attacked, and they fail to dodge the attack, their chance to dodge attacks is doubled the next time they’re Attacked. This effect stacks multiple times in a row until they successfully dodge an attack.攻撃を回避できなかった場合、次の攻撃を回避するチャンスが2倍になる。この効果は回避が発生するまで複数回スタックされる。
Onslaught1100Your creatures deal 5% more damage and take 5% less damage for each battle you’ve won in the current realm. If you’re not in a realm, this perk acts as if you’ve won 8 battles.現在のレルムで勝利した戦闘回数ごとに、与ダメージが5%増加、被ダメージが5%減少する。プレイヤーがレルムにいない場合、8回分の効果を得る。(40%)
Proliferation1100Your creatures deal 30% more damage for each turn they’ve taken in battle.現在の戦闘のターン数ごとに、与ダメージが30%増加する。
Rapid Exhaustion253Battle fatigue accumulates 2% faster per rank.
Maximum Bonus: 50% quicker fatigue rate
戦闘疲労(Battle Fatigue)はランクごとに2%早く蓄積する。
Red-eye Flight254Battle fatigue starts to accumulates 1 turn sooner per rank.
Maximum Bonus: 25 turns earlier
戦闘疲労(Battle Fatigue)はランクごとに1ターン早く蓄積し始める。
Reign of Chaos155Your creatures have 1% more Attack, Intelligence, Defense and Speed per rank for each battle you’ve won in the current realm.
Maximum Bonus: 15% more stats per battle
Relentless1100After your creatures Attack, and the attack fails to deal critical damage, their chance to deal critical damage with attacks is doubled on their next turn. This effect stacks multiple times in a row until the creature deals critical damage with attacks.攻撃がクリティカルでない場合、次のターンのクリティカル率が2倍になる。この効果はクリティカルが発生するまで複数回スタックされる。
Reverberation1100Your creatures Attack and Cast an additional time for every 2 turns they’ve taken in battle.その戦闘で2ターン経過ごとに攻撃と詠唱回数を1回追加する。
Rigor1100Your creatures are immune to Snared, Frozen, and Sleeping.罠、凍結、睡眠にならない。
Sap1010Enemies take 5% more damage per rank from battle fatigue.
Maximum Bonus: 50% extra damage
敵は戦闘疲労(Battle Fatigue)により、ランクごとに5%被ダメージが増加する。
Skirmish254Your creatures have a 1% chance per rank to Attack an additional time. This effect can occur repeatedly until it fails.
Maximum Bonus: 25% chance
Stimulation1100Your creatures no longer take extra damage from battle fatigue.戦闘疲労(Battle Fatigue)による追加ダメージを受けなくなる。
Sure-footed1100Enemies cannot move your creatures down the Timeline.敵はクリーチャーをタイムラインの下に移動させることができない。
Uncontrollable Anger
11×If your creatures have taken at least 2 turns, they Attack a random enemy at the start of their turn.2ターン経過後、ターン開始時にランダムな敵を攻撃する。


Blazing Soul1100When your creatures afflict enemies with Burning, their Attack is used to determine the potency of this debuff if it is higher than their Intelligence.敵の燃焼ダメージはその敵の攻撃力が賢さより高い場合、ダメージを決定するのに使われる。
Bolster1100Your creatures take 1% less damage from attacks and spells for every 1% of Health they’re missing.攻撃やスペルから受けるダメージは、ヘルスが1%減るごとに1%減る。
Deadly Calm1100Enemies cannot Provoke敵は挑発できなくなる。
Death Sentence303Your creatures’ critical attacks deal 2% more damage per rank.
Maximum Bonus: 60% extra damage
Dreadnaught1100Your creatures’ attacks cannot be dodged.敵は攻撃を回避できなくなる。
Enduring Rage1100Your creatures Attack an additional time.攻撃が1回追加で行われる。
Executioner502Your creatures deal 1% more damage per rank with attacks.
Maximum Bonus: 50% more damage
Indomitabel1100×Your creatures are immune to Scorned.侮蔑にならない
Inner Focus254When your creatures cast a spell, 1% of their Attack per rank is added to their Intelligence to determine the amount of damage dealt.
Maximum Bonus: 25% of attack stat contributed
Kindling1100At the start of battle, the first creature in your party casts Firestorm.戦闘開始時、パーティの一番最初の行動になったクリーチャーはファイアストームを詠唱する。
Magma Diver1100Your creatures always have Splashing and Savage.味方は常に飛沫と野蛮を獲得する。
Massacre1100Your creatures’ Splashing debuff now deals damage to all enemies.飛沫は全ての敵にダメージを与えるようになる。
Pyromania205After your creatures attack, they have a 1% chance per rank to cast Flamestrike.
Maximum Bonus: 20% chance
Reckless Abandon1100Your creatures’ Savage buff now causes them to have a 100% chance to deal critical damage.野蛮は100%クリティカルヒットが発生する
Touch of Chaos254After your creatures Attack, they have a 1% chance per rank to afflict the target with a random debuff.
Maximum Bonus: 25% chance
Hellion (ASCENSION)11×Your creatures deal 5% more damage with attacks for each time they’ve Attacked in the current battle.攻撃での与ダメージは、現在の戦闘での攻撃回数1回ごとに5%増加する。


Backdraft1100After an enemy takes damage from Burning, they are afflicted with either Scorned or Silenced.敵が燃焼から被ダメージ後、侮蔑か沈黙を付与する。
Burn Out205Your creatures deal additional damage equal to 1% of the potency of their Burning debuff per rank.
Maximum Bonus: 20% of Burn potency
Burn Their Corpses1100If an enemy dies while it is afflicted with Burning, it cannot be resurrected.敵が燃焼を持ったまま死んだ場合、復活できなくなる。
Cauterize1100After your creatures are damaged or healed by Burning, they gain Shelled. Your creatures’ Shelled ignores the Burning debuff.味方が燃焼でダメージか回復を受けた後、被殻を得る。味方の被殻は燃焼を無視する。
Combustion205After an enemy takes damage from Burning, they have a 1% chance per rank to be sent to the bottom of the Timeline.
Maximum Bonus: 20% chance
Conflagration205After your creatures are damaged or healed by Burning, a random enemy takes damage equal to 5% of this amount per rank as well.
Maximum Bonus: 100% of the amount
Firestarter1100Enemies always have Burning.敵は常に燃焼を持つ。
Flashover1100After an enemy takes damage from Burning, they are afflicted with Bomb.敵が燃焼から被ダメージ後、ボムを付与される。
From Ashes254After your creatures with Burning are killed, they have a 1% chance per rank to be resurrected with 50% Health.
Cost Per Rank: 25% chance
Hot Streak254After your creatures are damaged or healed by Burning, the potency of all creatures’ Burning debuffs increases by 2% per rank.
Maximum Bonus: 50% potency increase
Immolation205Your creatures’ spells that interact with Burning have 5% more potency per rank.
Maximum Bonus: 100% more potency
Kindle the Flame1100Your creatures’ spells that interact with Burning do not consume Charges.燃焼と相互作用する味方のスペルは、チャージを消費しなくなる。
Living Flame1100Your creatures always have Burning. Instead of taking damage from this debuff, they are healed by it instead.味方は常に燃焼を獲得する。味方は燃焼でダメージを受けず回復するようになる。
Pyroblast1010After an enemy takes damage from Burning, each of your creatures have a 2% chance per rank to cast a Scourge spell on an enemy. The type of Scourge spell is based on the enemy’s class.
Maximum Bonus: 20% chance
Roaring Blaze205After an enemy with Burning is killed, enemies take damage equal to 5% of the potency of that creature’s Burning debuff per rank.
Maximum Bonus: 100% of the potency
Empowering Flames
11×After your creatures are healed by Living Flame, they gain Attack and Intelligence equal to 100% of the amount of healing done.味方がリビングフレイムで回復した後、しばらくの間、回復量に等しい攻撃力と賢さを獲得する。


Animated Dead335Your creatures start battles with 1 Zombie per rank.
Maximum Bonus: 3 Zombies
最大ボーナス:3 ゾンビ
Army of the Damned1100At the start of your creatures’ turns, their minions gain 1 additional stack.ターン開始時、ミニオンは追加スタックを獲得する。
Conquest’s Triumph1100After your creatures Cast a spell, they summon Conquest.スペル詠唱後、コンクエストを召喚する。
Corpse Eater335Your creatures start battles with 1 Writhelings per rank.
Maximum Bonus: 3 Writhelings
最大ボーナス:3 ライスリング
Cruel Creation335Your creatures start battles with 1 Unstable Horror per rank.
Maximum Bonus: 3 Unstable Horrors
最大ボーナス:3 アンスタブルホラー
Deadly Vitality205After your creatures gain a minion or a minion stack, they recover Health equal to 1% of their Maximum Health per rank.
Maximum Bonus: Heal for 20% of Maximum Health
Death’s Claim1100At the end of your creatures’ turns, they summon Death.ターン終了後、デスを召喚する。
Famine’s Thirst1100After your creatures Attack, they summon Famine.攻撃後、餓鬼を召喚する。
Four Horsemen1100If your creatures have Conquest, Famine, Death, and War, they cast Apocalypse at the start of their turns. Your creatures are healed by this spell.コンクエスト、餓鬼、デス、ウォーを持っている場合、ターン開始時にアポカリプスを詠唱する。味方はこのスペルで回復する。
Gravewalker1010After your creatures are killed, they have a 1% chance per rank to be resurrected with 50% Health for each different minion they had before they died.
Maximum Bonus: 10% chance per minion type
Meat Shield1010Your creatures take 1% less damage per rank for each different minion they have.
Maximum Bonus: 10% less damage per minion type
Midnight Bargain502Your creatures’ minions are 2% less likely per rank to go away.
Maximum Bonus: 100% reduced chance (Minions never leave)
Servitude156Your creatures deal 1% more damage per rank for each different minion they have.
Maximum Bonus: 15% more damage per minion type
Undying Loyalty1100Your creatures’ minions persist beyond their master’s death.ミニオンは、クリーチャーが死んでも消えない。
11×Your creatures start battles with Amalgamation.戦闘開始時、アマルガムを持つ。


Anemia202Enemies’ Weak debuffs are 5% more effective per rank.
Maximum Bonus: 100% more effect
Curse of Fragility252Enemies have 1% less Maximum Health per rank.
Maximum Bonus: 35% less Health
Curse of Futility352Enemies have 1% less Intelligence per rank.
Maximum Bonus: 35% less Intelligence
Curse of Impotence352Enemies have 1% less Attack per rank.
Maximum Bonus: 35% less Attack
Curse of Lethargy352Enemies have 1% less Speed per rank.
Maximum Bonus: 35% less Speed
Curse of Vulnerability352Enemies have 1% less Defense per rank.
Maximum Bonus: 35% less Defense
Daybreaker1100Enemies take 10% more damage for each debuff they have.敵は持っているデバフごとに10%被ダメージが増加する。
Hopelessness1100Enemies’ buffs last for only 1 turn and their minions have double the chance to leave battle.敵のバフは1ターンしか継続せず、ミニオンは2倍消える確率がある。
Horror Show254Enemies with Feared have a 1% chance per rank to lose their turns.
Maximum Bonus: 25% chance
Impiety1100Your creatures ignore enemies’ Shelled and Barrier buffs.敵の被殻とバリアを無視する。
Infirmity350At the start of battle, enemies are afflicted with 1 random debuff per rank.
Maximum Bonus: 3 debuffs
Languish502Increases the potency of your creatures’ effects that decrease enemies’ stats by 2% per rank.
Maximum Bonus: 100% greater potency
Lingering Sickness1100×Enemies’ debuffs last forever.敵のデバフは永続する。
Nighttaker1100Enemies deal 5% less damage (up to 90%) for each debuff they have.敵は持っているデバフごとに5%(最大90%)与ダメージが減少する。
Tenderness202Enemies’ Vulnerable debuffs are 5% more effective per rank.
Maximum Bonus: 100% more effect
Tragedy254Decreases the potency of enemies’ effects that increase their stats by 2% per rank.
Maximum Bonus: 50% less effect
Unholy Night1100After your creatures afflict enemies with a debuff, they deal damage to them equal to 80% of their lowest stat.クリーチャーが敵をデバフで苦しめた後、クリーチャーの最低ステータスの80%に当たるダメージを与える。
Wane204At the start of battle, enemies lose 1% Health per rank.
Maximum Bonus: 20% Health loss
Death’s Due
11×Your creatures deal additional damage with attacks and spells equal to the amount of their highest stat they have greater than the target’s highest stat.クリーチャーは攻撃とスペルで追加ダメージを与える。


Anguish Through Awareness530×Your アニマトゥス starts battles with 1 random buff per rank.
Maximum Bonus: 5 buffs
最大ボーナス: 5バフ
Cogmind1100×At the start of battle, your アニマトゥス gains copies of your fourth creature’s first 5 Spell Gems.戦闘開始時、アニマトゥスはパーティ4体目が持っているスペルジェムを先頭から5つコピーする。
Damnation’s Edge1100×At the start of battle, your アニマトゥス gains a copy of your fifth creature’s innate trait.戦闘開始時、アニマトゥスはパーティ5体目の生来の特性をコピーする。
Dancing Blade1100×Your アニマトゥス always has Animated Weapon.アニマトゥスは常にアニメイトウェポンを持つ。
Dark Anima1100×Your アニマトゥス always has Animated Gem.アニマトゥスは常にアニメイトジェムを持つ。
Death and Decay1100×When an enemy is killed, your アニマトゥス casts Corpse Explosion. This spell deals 50% more damage for each dead enemy.敵を倒したとき、アニマトゥスはコープスエクスプロージョンを詠唱する。このスペルは敵が1体死ぬごとにダメージが50%増加する。
Desensitization1100×Your アニマトゥス is immune to debuffs in normal battles, and resistant to debuffs in boss battles.アニマトゥスは通常の戦闘ではデバフを受けず、ボス戦ではデバフに耐性を持つ。
Endowment1100×At the start of battle, your アニマトゥス fuses with a copy of the second creature in your party. In addition, its race changes to that creature’s race.戦闘開始時、アニマトゥスはパーティ2体目のクリーチャーのコピーと融合する。さらに、そのクリーチャーの種族に変化する。
Forbidden Magic1100×The first time your アニマトゥス is killed in battle, it resurrects with 100% Health.
Maximum Bonus: Resurrect 3 times
最大ボーナス: 3回まで復活
Forged by Pain1100×Your アニマトゥス splits the damage it takes with your sixth creature.アニマトゥスは、受けるダメージをパーティ6体目のクリーチャーに半分肩代わりさせる。
Gray Matter525×Your アニマトゥス gains 1 Spell Slot per rank.
Maximum Bonus: 5 extra slots
Grimkeeper1100×Your アニマトゥス’ buffs and minions persist through death.アニマトゥスのバフやミニオンは死んでも持続する。
Masterpiece1100×After your creatures gain a buff, your アニマトゥス gains that buff as well.アニマトゥスが復活した後、他のクリーチャーは100%のヘルスで復活する。
Molecular Betrayal502×At the start of battle, your アニマトゥス gains 1% of your third creature’s stats per rank.
Maximum Bonus: 50% stat theft
Thrive on Death502×After your creatures are killed, your アニマトゥス gains 1% of their stats per rank.
Maximum Bonus: 50% stat gain
Live to Serve
11×After your アニマトゥス is resurrected, your other creatures are resurrected with 100% Health.アニマトゥスが復活後、他のクリーチャーは100%ヘルスで復活する。


Bleed Out1100The first time your creatures are killed in battle, they are resurrected with 100% Health, and then they take damage equal to 50% of their Maximum Health.その戦闘で最初に殺されたとき、そのクリーチャーは100%のヘルスで復活し、その後最大ヘルスの50%に等しいダメージを受ける。
Blood Clot255After your creatures take damage, they gain a Barrier that absorbs damage equal to 2% of the amount of damage taken per rank.
Maximum Bonus: Barrier equal to 50% of damage taken
Blood-caked Blade253Your creatures deal additional damage equal to 1% of the total damage they took in the current battle per rank.
Maximum Bonus: Additional damage equal to 75% of damage taken
Bloodrage1100Your creatures’ damage with attacks is based on 50% of their Maximum Health instead of their Attack.攻撃によるダメージは、攻撃力の代わりに最大ヘルスの50%を参照する
Bloodthirst1100The potency of your creatures’ spells is based on 50% of their Maximum Health instead of their Intelligence.スペルによるダメージは、賢さの代わりに最大ヘルスの50%を参照する
Bloody Massacre105Enemies always have Bleeding. After an enemy takes damage from Bleeding, your creatures recover Health equal to 3% of the damage taken.
Maximum Bonus: Healing equal to 50% of the damage taken
Deathrattle1100Your creatures’ stats are no longer reset after they’re killed.ステータスは死んでもリセットされなくなる
Endless Slaughter1100Your creatures Attack and Cast spells 1 additional time for every 20% Health they’re missing.ヘルスを20%失うごとに攻撃とスペル詠唱の回数が1回増加する。
Hemostasis1100Your creatures can take damage a maximum of 1 time during their turn.自分のターン中に、最大1回までダメージを受ける。
March Toward Death1100Your creatures deal additional damage equal to 50% of the amount of Health they’re missing.失っているヘルスの50%に等しい追加ダメージを与える
Masochistic Tendencies1100×Your creatures’ spells no longer consume Charges. Before your creatures Cast a spell, they deal damage to themselves equal to 25% of their Maximum Health.スペルはチャージを消費しなくなるが、スペル詠唱前に最大ヘルス25%分のダメージを受ける
Relish In Blood1010Your creatures have additional Attack, Intelligence, Defense and Speed equal to 1% of their missing and Maximum Health per rank.
Maximum Bonus: Stats equal to 10% of missing and max Health
Sacrifice325At the start of battle, your creatures Health is set to 50% and they gain 1 random buff per rank.
Maximum Bonus: 3 random Buffs
Sanguine Fortitude1010Your creatures take less damage equal to 1% of the total amount of damage they took in the current battle per rank.
Maximum Bonus: 10% of total damage
Transfusion1100After one of your creatures takes damage and is not killed, one of your other creatures gains Maximum Health equal to 25% of the damage taken.味方1体がダメージを受け死ななかった場合、ほかの味方1体は被ダメージの25%分最大ヘルスが増加する。
Voracity253Your creatures deal additional damage with attacks and spells equal to 2% of their Current Health per rank.
Maximum Bonus: 50% of Maximum Health
Blood Offering
11×At the start of battle, your creatures grant each other Maximum Health equal to 10% of their Maximum Health.戦闘開始時、最大ヘルスの10%に相当する最大ヘルスをお互いに与える。


Apotheosis254After your creatures are healed, they have a 2% chance per rank to gain a random buff.
Maximum Bonus: 50% chance
Consecrated Ground1100Your creatures are immune to Blighted.枯渇にならない。
Greater Healing254Your creatures’ healing effects are 4% more powerful per rank. Your creatures gain 2% more benefit per rank from healing effects.
Maximum Bonus: 100% healing given and received
Guardian Angel205You have a 1% chance per rank to negate enemy attacks and spells.
Maximum Bonus: 20% chance
Guiding Light502At the start of battle, your creatures gain a Barrier that absorbs damage equal to 1% of their Maximum Health per rank.
Maximum Bonus: Barrier adds 50% of max health
Holy Might1010Your creatures deal 1% more damage per rank for each buff they have.
Maximum Bonus: 10% more damage
Inner Light403Your creatures take 1% less damage per rank from all sources.
Maximum Bonus: 40% less damage
Lenience520Your creatures take 1% less damage per rank for each buff they have.
Maximum Bonus: 5% less damage
Luminesce1100After your creatures are healed, and the amount healed exceeds the creature’s Maximum Health, store the extra healing as a Barrier.回復されたとき、回復量がその魔物の最大ヘルスを超えた場合、超えた数値をバリアとして貯める。
Overheal1100Your creatures can trigger healing effects even while they’re at full Health.ヘルスが満タンでも回復効果を発動する。
Premonition304While your creatures have a Barrier, they take 1% less damage per rank from all sources.
Maximum Bonus: 30% less damage
Radiance303Increases the potency of your creatures’ effects that increase their stats by 2% per rank.
Maximum Bonus: 60% extra potency
Revelation205At the end of your creatures’ turns, your dead creatures have a 1.5% chance per rank to be resurrected with 50% health.
Maximum Bonus: 30% chance
Saving Grace502After your creatures are resurrected, they gain a Barrier equal to 2% of their Maximum Health per rank.
Maximum Bonus: Barrier adds 100% of Max Health
Strength of Soul502Your creatures deal additional damage equal to 1% of their Barrier strength per rank.
Maximum Bonus: 50% additional damage
Holy Burst
11×At the end of your creatures’ turns, they Cast Holy Fire if they have Barrier.ターン終了時、バリアを持っているとホーリーファイアを詠唱する。


Admonish1100At the start of battle, enemy Sorcery creatures are afflicted with Silenced and lose 30% Intelligence.戦闘開始時、ソーサリーの敵に沈黙を付与し賢さを30%減少させる。
Begrudge1100After an enemy Casts a spell, that Spell Gem is sealed.敵がスペル詠唱後、そのスペルジェムは封印される。
Berate1100At the start of battle, enemy Life creatures are afflicted with Blighted and lose 30% Maximum Health.戦闘開始時、ライフの敵に枯渇を付与し最大ヘルスを30%減少させる。
Castigate1100At the start of battle, enemy Chaos creatures are afflicted with Scorned and lose 30% Attack.戦闘開始時、カオスの敵に侮蔑を付与し攻撃力を30%減少させる。
Censure205Your creatures deal additional damage equal to 2% per rank of the healing they’ve received in the current battle.
Maximum Bonus: 40% of healing received
Condemn1100At the start of battle, enemy Death creatures are afflicted with Vulnerable and lose 30% Defense.戦闘開始時、デスの敵に脆弱を付与し防御力を30%減少させる。
Contrition254After an enemy attacks, they have a 4% chance per rank to be afflicted with Scorned.
Maximum Bonus: 100% chance
Defy Evil1010Your creatures’ damage from attacks and spells ignores 2.5% of the enemies’ Defense per rank.
Maximum Bonus: Ignore 25% Defense
Divine Strength254After your creatures are healed, they gain Attack and Intelligence equal to 1% of the healing received per rank.
Maximum Bonus: Boost equal to 25% of healing
Flagellation1100Your creatures’ healing effects deal damage when applied to enemies.回復効果は、敵を回復する場合ダメージを与えるようになる。
Heresy1100When your creatures deal damage with an attack or spell, they deal 30% more damage for each debuff and Sealed Spell Gem the target has.攻撃やスペルでダメージを与えるとき、対象が持っている各デバフと封印されたスペルジェムごとに30%追加ダメージを与える。
Judgment254After an enemy Casts a spell, they have a 4% chance per rank to be afflicted with Silenced.
Maximum Bonus: 100% chance
Lay to Rest1100Enemies can only resurrect once per battle.敵はその戦闘で1回しか復活できない。
Miracle253After your creatures are resurrected, they deal damage to all enemies equal to 1.5% of their Maximum Health per rank.
Maximum Bonus: 37.5% of max health in damage
Rebuke1100At the start of battle, enemy Nature creatures are afflicted with Feared and lose 30% Speed.戦闘開始時、敵のネイチャークリーチャーは恐怖になり素早さを30%失う。
Shining Force1100At the start of battle, your creatures gain Rebirth.戦闘開始時、再誕を獲得する。
Judgment Day
11×Your creatures deal 150% more damage and take 65% less damage as a result of their class strength.クラス間の相性による与ダメージが150%増加し、被ダメージが65%減少する。


Blurred Strikes255After your creatures counter-attack with セレリティ, they have a 2.5% chance per rank to Attack an additional time. This effect can occur repeatedly.
Maximum Bonus: 62.5% chance
Celerity150After your creatures Dodge, they counter-attack the enemy.回避後、敵に反撃する。
Crosswinds1002Your creatures deal additional damage equal to 1% of their Speed per rank.
Maximum Bonus: 100% of Speed contributed
Dampen Harm1100When your creatures would receive fatal damage, they have a chance to prevent that damage equal to their chance to dodge.致命傷を受けるとき、回避確率と同率の防御確率を持つ。
Extended Reach205After your creatures counter-attack with セレリティ, they have a 1% chance per rank to move to the top of the Timeline.
Maximum Bonus: 20% chance
Fake Out255After an enemy Dodges your creatures’ attacks, they have a 3% chance per rank to Attack again.
Maximum Bonus: 75% chance
Fortified Spirit1010After your creatures Dodge, they gain 1% Defense per rank for each time they’ve Attacked with セレリティ.
Maximum Bonus: 10% Defense gain per セレリティ attack
Good Karma205Your creatures always have Agile, and their Agile buff has a 5% greater chance to activate per rank.
Maximum Bonus: 100% greater chance
Pressure Point502Increases your creatures’ damage dealt with セレリティ by 2% per rank.
Maximum Bonus: 100% damage increase
Protective Winds254Your creatures have an independent 3% chance per rank to Dodge attacks.
Maximum Bonus: 75% chance
Ride the Wind150While your creatures are Defending, they receive a bonus to their Speed instead of Defense.防御中、防御力ではなく素早さにボーナスを獲得する。
Serenity2055% of your creatures’ chance to Dodge attacks per rank is applied to spells as well. This perk ignores independent chances to dodge attacks granted by other effects.
Maximum Bonus: 100% of dodge chance applied
Spiritual Attunement502After your creatures take indirect damage, they have a 1% chance per rank to prevent that damage.
Maximum Bonus: 50% of Serenity chance applied
Thylacine’s Fury175Your creatures deal additional damage equal to 50% of the amount of Speed they have greater than their target.対象よりも素早さが大きい場合、その味方の素早さと対象の素早さの差分50%に相当する追加ダメージを与える。
Vital Strike255When your creatures counter-attack with セレリティ, the attack has a 2% chance per rank to deal double damage.
Maximum Bonus: 50% chance
11×Your creatures have a 5% chance (up to 80%) to avoid damage for each time all your creatures dodged in the current battle.それぞれのクリーチャーが現在の戦闘で回避するたび、5%(最大80%)の確率でダメージを回避する。


Alpha1100YAfter your creatures Provoke, they gain Taunting and Protected.味方が挑発後、挑発と保護を獲得する。
Awareness1100YAfter your creatures Defend, they gain Defensive and Rebirth.防御後、守備的と再誕を獲得する。
Bristle1100YAfter your creatures take damage from a spell, they gain Repelling and Shelled.スペル被弾後、撃退と被殻を獲得する。
Convocation1100YAfter your creatures Cast a spell, they gain Arcane.詠唱後、神秘を獲得する。
Earthen Frenzy105YAfter your creatures gain a buff, they have a 2% chance per rank to Attack a random enemy.
Maximum Bonus: 20% chance
Eternal Guardian150YYour creatures’ buffs persist through death.バフは死んでも継続する。
Graceful Spirit252YAt the start of your creatures’ turns, they gain a Barrier that absorbs damage equal to 1% of their Maximum Health per rank.
Maximum Bonus: 25% of Maximum Health
Grove Ward1100YAfter your creatures lose stats, they gain Warded.ステータスを失った後、防護を獲得する。
Luster1100YAfter your creatures take damage from an attack, they gain Agile and Mending.攻撃被弾後、敏捷と治療を獲得する。
Moment of Clarity105YAfter your creatures gain a buff, they have a 2% chance per rank to Cast one of their spells.
Maximum Bonus: 20% chance
Nature’s Boon1010YYour creatures have 1% more stats (other than Health) per rank for each buff they have.
Maximum Bonus: 10% more stats
Overrun105YAfter your creatures gain a buff, they recover 3% Health per rank.
Maximum Bonus: 30% Health recovered
Predator1100YAfter your creatures Attack, they gain Splashing and Savage.攻撃後、飛沫と野蛮を獲得する。
Preparation1100NAt the start of battle, your creatures gain Invisible and Proficient.戦闘開始時、透明と熟練を獲得する。
Primal Vengeance1100YAfter one of your creatures are killed, all your creatures gain Berserk and Leeching.味方の1体が殺された後、すべての味方は凶暴と吸血を獲得する。
Soul of the Forest105YAfter your creatures gain a buff, they gain 2% per rank of a random stat.
Maximum Bonus: 20% stat gain
Spirit Shield520YYour creatures deal 2% more damage per rank and take 1% less damage per rank for each buff they have.
Maximum Bonus: 10% more damage, 5% less damage
Survival of the Fittest1100YAfter your creatures gain a buff and they already have at least 7 other buffs, they gain Immune.バフを獲得し、少なくとも7種類のバフを持っていた場合、免疫を獲得する。
Unending Boon
11NYour creatures’ buffs last forever. In addition, when one of your creature’s buffs would be forcefully removed (for example, if your creature with Invisible makes an action), they have a 30% chance to retain that buff.バフは永続する。バフの1つが強制的に除去される場合(透明が行動することで消えるなど)、除去されるバフを30%の確率で維持する。

ウィッチドクター/Witch Doctor

Backbite1100YEnemies have a 100% greater chance to deal critical damage to their allies.敵は仲間割れでクリティカルダメージを100%の確率で与える。
Bad Medicine1100YAt the start of battle, your creatures gain Secret Stuff.戦闘開始時、シークレットスタフを獲得する。
Bewitch1100YAfter an enemy Attacks one of its allies, your creatures gain a random buff.敵が仲間割れで攻撃後、ランダムなバフを1つ獲得する。
Blind Eye1100YEnemies cannot dodge attacks from their allies.敵は仲間割れの攻撃を回避できない。
Hedge Magic1010YEnemies take 10% more damage per rank from their allies.
Maximum Bonus: 100% more damage
Hex1010YEnemies with Confused have a 5% chance per rank to lower their allies’ stats instead of increasing them.
Maximum Bonus: 50% chance
Initiation Rite1100YWhen an enemy Attacks one of its allies, its highest stat is used to determine the damage dealt.敵の仲間割れの攻撃は、その敵の最高のステータスがダメージ計算に使われる。
Jinx1100YEnemies always have Cursed.敵は常に混乱を持つ。
Maledict330YEnemies take additional damage equal to 5% of the damage they’ve taken from their allies in the current battle per rank.
Maximum Bonus: 15% of taken damage
Mass Hysteria1100YAfter an enemy takes damage from an ally, they are afflicted with Blind and Confused.敵が仲間割れでダメージを受けた後、盲目と沈黙を付与する。
Mumbo Jumbo1010YEnemies with Confused have a 5% chance per rank to afflict allies with a debuff instead of a buff.
Maximum Bonus: 50% chance
Terrorize1100YAfter an enemy Attacks one of its allies, it afflicts the target with a random debuff.敵が仲間割れで攻撃後、その対象にランダムなデバフを1つ与える。
Trance520YAfter your creatures Attack, they have a 5% chance per rank to Cast Mind Control on the target.
Maximum Bonus: 25% chance
Vision Quest1100YAt the start of battle, your creatures gain Doppelganger.戦闘開始時、ドッペルゲンガーを獲得する。
Voodoo1100YWhen an enemy Casts a spell on one of its allies, its highest stat is used to determine the potency of the spell.敵が仲間割れでスペル詠唱時、その敵の最高のステータスがダメージ計算に使われる。
Cursed Omen
11NEnemies Attack and Cast spells on their allies 1 additional time.敵は仲間割れの攻撃と詠唱の回数が1回追加される。


Arcane Fortitude520YYour creatures take 2% less damage (up to 90%) per rank for each non-Ethereal Spell Gem they have that does not belong to their own class.
Maximum Bonus: 10% less damage
Arcane Power1010YYour creatures deal 2% more damage per rank for each non-Ethereal Spell Gem they have that does not belong to their own class.
Maximum Bonus: 10% more damage
Burst502YYour creatures’ spells that are cast in the same turn deal 1% more damage per rank than the last.
Maximum Bonus: 50% more damage
Chaos Mastery160YYour creatures can equip Chaos Spell Gems, regardless of their class.クラスに関係なくカオススペルジェムを装備できる。
Death Mastery160YYour creatures can equip Death Spell Gems, regardless of their class.クラスに関係なくデススペルジェムを装備できる。
Echo1100YYour creatures Cast spells an additional time.詠唱回数が1回増加する。
Efficiency1100YYour creatures’ extra casts no longer consume additional Charges.追加詠唱はチャージを消費しない。
Expanded Mind520YYour creatures can equip 1 additional Spell Gem per rank.
Maximum Bonus: 5 extra Gems
Life Mastery160YYour creatures can equip Life Spell Gems, regardless of their class.クラスに関係なくライフスペルジェムを装備できる。
Mirror Image252YYour creatures have a 1% chance per rank to Cast spells an additional time. This effect can occur repeatedly until it fails.
Maximum Bonus: 25% chance
Nature Mastery160YYour creatures can equip Nature Spell Gems, regardless of their class.クラスに関係なくネイチャースペルジェムを装備できる。
Outspoken1100NYour creatures are immune to Silenced.沈黙にならない。
Sorcery Mastery160YYour creatures can equip Sorcery Spell Gems, regardless of their class.クラスに関係なくソーサリースペルジェムを装備できる。
Spell Corruption1001YYour creatures’ spells affect stats 1% more per rank.
Maximum Bonus: 100% extra effect
Spell Mending1001YYour creatures’ spells heal 1% more Health per rank.
Maximum Bonus: 100% extra effect
Spell Power1001YYour creatures’ spells deal 1% more damage per rank.
Maximum Bonus: 100% extra effect
Supercharged520YYour creatures’ spells have 1 additional Charge per rank.
Maximum Bonus: 5 extra Charges
11NAfter your creatures manually Cast a spell, each of their other Spell Gems that belong to a different class have a 50% chance to be Cast as well. Maximum of 1 spell per class.手動詠唱後、別クラスの他のスペルジェムはそれぞれ50%の確率で詠唱される。クラスごとに最大1スペルが詠唱される。


Apex520YYour creatures deal 1% more damage per rank for each Ethereal Spell Gem they have equipped.
Maximum Bonus: 5% more damage per gem
Battle Mage502YAfter your creatures Attack, they have a 2% chance per rank to cast one of their Ethereal Spell Gems.
Maximum Bonus: 100% chance
Familiar254YAfter your creatures cast an Ethereal Spell Gem, they have a 2% chance per rank to summon an Animated Gem.
Maximum Bonus: 50% chance
Flow of Magic1100YAfter your creatures manually cast an Ethereal Spell Gem, they gain 50% Intelligence.戦闘中獲得スペルジェムを手動詠唱後、賢さを50%増加する。
Hand of the Magi502YYour creatures’ Ethereal Spell Gems have 2% more potency per rank.
Maximum Bonus: 100% more potency
Incantation1100YAfter your creatures Defend or Provoke, they cast one of their Ethereal Spell Gems.防御か挑発後、戦闘中獲得スペルジェムを詠唱する。
Invoke1100YAt the start of your creatures’ turns, they gain an Ethereal Spell Gem.ターン開始時、戦闘中獲得スペルジェムを獲得する。
Mystify330YAfter your creatures cast an Ethereal Spell Gem, 1 enemy per rank is afflicted with a random debuff.
Maximum Bonus: 3 enemies afflicted
Prism1100YAfter your creatures cast an Ethereal Spell Gem, they gain a random buff.戦闘中獲得スペルジェムを詠唱後、ランダムなバフを獲得する。
Quickdraw205YAfter your creatures gain Ethereal Spell Gems, they have a 5% chance per rank to cast them. Only gems that are acquired after start-of-battle effects can be cast in this manner.
Maximum Bonus: 100% chance
Shimmer520YYour creatures take 1% less damage per rank for each Ethereal Spell Gem they have equipped, up to 90% reduced damage.
Maximum Bonus: 5% less damage per gem
Spellslinger1100YYour creatures Ethereal Spell Gems cast 1 additional time.戦闘中獲得スペルジェムは1回追加詠唱される。
Temporal Concentration1100YYour creatures’ Ethereal Spell Gems do not consume Charges when used.戦闘中獲得スペルジェムはチャージを消費しない。
Unshackled1100YYour creatures are immune to Silenced.沈黙にならない。
Wild Magic520YAt the start of battle, your creatures gain 1 Ethereal Spell Gem that belongs to their class per rank.
Maximum Bonus: 5 gems gained
Embrace the Arcane
11NYour creatures’ spells that are Cast automatically have a 30% chance to be treated as manual casts.詠唱したスペルは、30%の確率で手動詠唱として扱われる。


Calcify1010YAfter an enemy takes damage from a spell, they have a 5% chance per rank to be afflicted with Stone.
Maximum Bonus: 50% chance
Comfortable Proximity1010YWhen your creatures take damage from an enemy, they take 1% less damage per rank for each creature between the two creatures on the timeline.
Maximum Bonus: 10% less damage per creature
Fade1100YAfter your creatures take damage from an attack or spell, they gain Invisible.攻撃かスペル被弾後、透明を獲得する。
Flabbergast205YAfter your creatures deal damage with attacks or spells to the next enemy below them on the Timeline, that enemy has a 1% chance per rank to be sent to the bottom of the Timeline.
Maximum Bonus: 20% chance
Gravity’s Void1510YWhen your creatures damage an enemy, they deal 1% more damage per rank for each other creature between the two creatures on the timeline.
Maximum Bonus: 15% more damage per creature
Mental Fortitude1100NAt the start of battle, your creatures gain Shelled.戦闘開始時、被殻を獲得する。
Perplex254YAfter an enemy takes damage, they have a 1% chance per rank to be afflicted with Confused.
Maximum Bonus: 25% chance
Psychic Scream253YAfter an enemy Casts a spell, they have a 4% chance per rank to be afflicted with Silenced.
Maximum Bonus: 100% chance
Ruin1100YYour creatures deal 2% more damage and take 1.5% less damage (up to 90%) for each debuff each enemy has.敵が持っているデバフの種類ごとに、与ダメージが2%増加し、被ダメージが1.5%(最大90%)減少する。
Singe253YAfter an enemy Attacks, they have a 4% chance per rank to be afflicted with Scorned.
Maximum Bonus: 100% chance
Slipstream350NAfter the Timeline is determined at the start of battle, your creatures are moved up the Timeline 1 position higher per rank.
Maximum Bonus: 3 positions higher
Spell of Roots1100YAt the end of an enemy’s first turn, they are afflicted with Snared.敵の最初のターン終了時、罠を付与する。
Spell of Slumber1100YAt the end of an enemy’s second turn, they are afflicted with Sleeping.敵の2回目のターン終了時。睡眠を付与する。
Spell of Frost1100YAt the end of an enemy’s third turn, they are afflicted with Frozen.敵の3回目のターン終了時、凍結を付与する。
Unity1010YWhen your creatures deal damage, they deal 2.5% more damage per rank for each consecutive ally that is adjacent to them on the timeline.
Maximum Bonus: 20% damage per consecutive ally
11NAt the start of each enemy’s turn, they have a 10% chance that your Spell of Roots, Spell of Slumber, and Spell of Frost perks will activate. This chance is increased by an additional 10% each turn. After this perk activates, the chance is set back to 10%.各敵のターン開始時、10%の確率でスペルオブルート、スペルオブスランバー、スペルオブフロストが発生する。


Art of War303YWhen your creatures deal damage with Retribution, 1% of their highest stat per rank is added to the amount of damage dealt.
Maximum Bonus: 30% of stat contributed
Crusade502YYour creatures deal additional damage equal to 2% per rank of the amount of damage they’ve dealt with Retribution in the current battle.
Maximum Bonus: 100% Retribution damage
Divine Intervention1100NThe first time your creatures would take fatal damage in battle, their Health is instead set to 1.戦闘で初めて致命傷を受けたとき、死なずにヘルスが1残る。
Execution Sentence1100YAfter your creatures are killed, they deal damage to all enemies equal to 100% of the amount of damage they dealt with Retribution in the current battle.殺された後、現在の戦闘で与えたリトリビューションによるダメージ量の100%分をすべての敵に与える。
Glory254YAfter your creatures deal damage with Retribution, their lowest stat is increased by 1% of the amount of damage dealt per rank.
Maximum Bonus: Boost by 25% of damage
Hand of Light1010YAfter your creatures deal damage with Retribution, all your creatures recover Health equal to 2% of the damage dealt per rank.
Maximum Bonus: Heal for 20% of damage dealt
Light’s Augmentation254YYour creatures have 3% more Defense per rank while they’re Provoking.
Maximum Bonus: 75% extra Defense
Miraculous Recovery254YAfter your creatures Provoke, they recover 2% Health per rank.
Maximum Bonus: 50% health recovered
Perseverance205YYour creatures take 2.5% less damage per rank while they’re provoking.
Maximum Bonus: 50% less damage
Reckoning1100YAfter your creatures Provoke, they Attack a random enemy.挑発後、ランダムな敵を1体攻撃する。
Retribution254YAfter your creatures take damage from an attack or spell, they deal damage to the enemy equal to 1% of the damage taken per rank.
Maximum Bonus: Retaliate for 25% damage
Seraphim502YAt the start of battle, 1% of your creatures’ Defense per rank is added to their Health.
Maximum Bonus: 50% of Defense contributed
Unbound1100YAfter your creatures Provoke, they Defend.挑発した後、防御する。
Wrath254NWhen your creatures deal damage with Retribution while they’re Defending, the amount of damage is increased by 2% per rank.
Maximum Bonus: 50% extra damage
Zeal254YWhen your creatures deal damage with Retribution while they’re Provoking, the amount of damage is increased by 2% per rank.
Maximum Bonus: 50% extra damage
Divine Toll
11NAfter your creatures deal damage with Retribution, they Cast Holy Smite on the enemy as well.リトリビューションによるダメージを与えた後、ホーリースマイトを詠唱する。


Adaptation1100YAt the start of battle, your creatures gain a random buff for each creature missing from your group.戦闘開始時、味方の不足人数分ランダムなバフを獲得する。
Ancestry250YAt the start of battle, if you have at least 5 creatures missing from your group, your creatures gain 1 random trait that belong to their race per rank.
Maximum Bonus: 2 random traits
Aptitude1100YYour creatures have a 10% chance to Cast spells an additional time for each creature missing from your group. This effect can occur repeatedly until it fails.味方の不足人数ごとに10%の確率でスペルを詠唱する。この確率は失敗するまで繰り返し発生する可能性がある。
Brood205YYour creatures have 1% more Maximum Health per rank for each creature missing from your group.
Maximum Bonus: 20% more health
Companion350YYou can have 1 additional creature per rank in your group without it counting against other Druid perks.
Maximum Bonus: 3 creatures
Cornered206YYour creatures deal 1% more damage per rank for each creature missing from your group.
Maximum Bonus: 20% more damage
Disengagement1100YYour creatures have an independent 10% chance to dodge attacks for each creature missing from your group.味方の不足人数ごとに、独立した回避率を10%獲得する。
Guerilla Tactics1100YAt the start of battle, your creatures have a 10% chance to move to the top of the Timeline for each creature missing from your group.戦闘開始時、味方の不足人数ごとに10%の確率でタイムラインの一番上に移動する。
Killer Instinct1100YYour creatures have an independent 10% chance to deal critical damage with attacks for each creature missing from your group.味方の不足人数ごとに、独立したクリティカル率を10%獲得する。
Lone Wolf1010YYour creatures have 1% more Attack, Intelligence, Defense and Speed for each creature missing from your group.
Maximum Bonus: 10% more stats
Pack of One1100YYour creatures have a 10% chance to Attack an additional time for each creature missing from your group. This effect can occur repeatedly until it fails.味方の不足人数ごとに10%の確率で追加攻撃を行う。この効果は失敗するまで繰り返し発生する可能性がある。
Reclusive Remedy1100YIf you have at least 5 creatures missing from your group, your creatures are resistant to debuffs.味方に5体クリーチャーが存在しない場合、デバフを無効化する。
Sole Survivor1010YYour creatures take 1% less damage per rank for each creature missing from your group.
Maximum Bonus: 10% less damage
Sovreignty1100YYour creatures have 1 additional Spell Gem slot for each creature missing from your group.味方の不足人数ごとに、スペルジェムスロットを1つ追加する。
FInal Stand
11NIf you only have 1 living creature, your dead creatures count as missing creatures.味方が1体しか生きていない場合、死んだクリーチャーは存在しないクリーチャーとして数えられる。


Bafflement615YAt the start of battle, 1 enemy per rank is afflicted with Confused.
Maximum Bonus: All six enemies
Even the Odds506YAt the start of normal battles, you have a 2% chance per rank to instantly kill a random enemy. If enemies are immune to this effect, they lose 20% of their Current Health instead.
Maximum Bonus: 100% chance to kill
Feint254YAfter your creatures dodge an attack, they have a 4% chance per rank to afflict the enemy with Disarmed.
Maximum Bonus: 100% chance to inflict
Hidden Hand1510YYour artifacts’ Spell Slots have a 2% additional chance per rank to be cast.
Maximum Bonus: 15% extra chance
Intent to Kill1100YWhen the enemy would dodge your creatures’ attacks, the dodge chance is re-rolled one additional time.敵が攻撃回避時、回避率はもう1回再計算される。
Nightstalker620NAt the start of battle, one creature in your party gains Invisible per rank, in order from first to last.
Maximum Bonus: All creatures become invisible
Pilfer2100YAt the start of battle, your creatures steal one random Spell Gem per rank from a random enemy.
Maximum Bonus: 2 spell gems stolen
Prey1100YWhen your creatures Attack while the target is afflicted with Disarmed, the target’s artifact’s Stat Slots are applied to your creature for all effects that relate to that attack.対象が武装解除を持っている場合、対象のアーティファクトのステータススロットはその攻撃に影響するものは攻撃者に効果が適用される。
Rebound1100YWhen your creatures Attack, and their attack would fail to deal critical damage, the critical chance is re-rolled one additional time.攻撃時クリティカルヒットではない場合、クリティカル率はもう1回再計算される。
Sleight of Hand1100YWhenever it is one of your creatures’ turns, any random effects that fail to occur are re-rolled an additional time.味方1体のターンであればいつでも、発生しなかったランダムな効果はもう1回再計算される。
Spontaneity1100YAt random times during battle, your creatures have a 1% chance per rank to cast a random, Ethereal Spell Gem from their spell list.戦闘中のランダムな時、味方はランクごとに1%の確率で、スペルリストからランダムなEtherealスペルジェムを詠唱する。
Stratagem502YYour creatures deal 2% more damage per rank while they’re Invisible.
Maximum Bonus: 100% extra damage
Subterfuge254NYour creatures’ attacks ignore 2% of the target’s Defense per rank.
Maximum Bonus: 50% defense penetration
Tools of the Trade254YYour artifacts’ Trick Slots are 1% more powerful per rank.
Maximum Bonus: 25% extra power
Whetbone1100YYour creatures always have Proficient.常に熟練を得る。
Immaculate Recovery
11NWhen your creatures take damage from an attack or spell, they gain Invisible and Shelled.攻撃やスペルから被弾時、透明と被殻を獲得する。


Battalion1100NAt the start of battle, your creatures gain a random buff for each creature that belongs to the same race fighting on your side. Maximum of 6 buffs.戦闘開始時、味方の同じ種族数分ランダムなバフを獲得する。最大6バフ
Cogence254YYour creatures deal 2% more damage per rank to creatures that belong to their own class.
Maximum Bonus: 50% more damage
Familiarity254YYour creatures take 2% less damage per rank from creatures that belong to their own class.
Maximum Bonus: 50% less damage
Feign Death1010YAfter your creatures are killed, they have a 1% chance per rank to resurrect with 50% Health for each creature that belongs to the same race fighting on your side.
Maximum Bonus: 10% chance
Fluster1100YYour creatures have an independent 5% chance to dodge attacks for each creature that belongs to the same race fighting on your side.同じ種族に属するクリーチャー数毎に、ランクごとに5%、独立した回避率を持つ。
Forest Pact330YTraits, spells and other effects that are affected by the number of a certain creature race or class act as if you have 1 more of those creatures in your group per rank.
Maximum Bonus: Boosted by 3
Harbinger520YYour creatures’ Spell Gems with any “Cast On…” property has a 1% greater chance per rank to activate for each creature that belongs to its race fighting on your side.
Maximum Bonus: 5% greater chance
Hybridization520YYour creatures have 1% more Attack, Intelligence, Defense and Speed per rank for each creature that belongs to the same race fighting on your side.
Maximum Bonus: 5% more stats
Overwhelm1100YYour creatures have an independent 5% chance to deal critical damage with attacks for each creature that belongs to the same race fighting on your side.同じ種族に属するクリーチャー数毎に、ランクごとに5%、独立したクリティカル率を持つ。
Purebred520YYour creatures have 1% more Attack, Intelligence, Defense and Speed per rank for each creature that belongs to the same class fighting on your side.
Maximum Bonus: 5% more stats
Survival Instincts1010YYour creatures take 1% less damage and deal 1% more damage per rank for each dead creature that belongs to the same race fighting on your side.
Maximum Bonus: 10% more/less damage
Ties That Bind520YYour creatures deal additional damage with attacks and spells equal to 1% of your other creatures’ highest stats per rank that belong to the same race.
Maximum Bonus: 5% stat contribution
Transformation1100YAt the start of battle, your creatures cast their “Morph” spells if they have one of these spells in their top-most Spell Gem slot.戦闘開始時、スペルジェム枠の一番上にいずれかのスペルがある場合、モーフを詠唱する。
Union1010YYour creatures grant 1% of their highest stat per rank to your other creatures that belong to the same race.
Maximum Bonus: 10% stat contribution
We Are Pack1100YAt the start of battle, if you have at least 4 creatures that belong to the same race fighting on your side, the remaining creatures’ races are changed to that race as well. This effect does not change a creature’s race if it is an Imler.戦闘開始時、同じ種族に属する味方が4体いる場合、残りのクリーチャーもその種族になる。
Gone But Not Forgotten
11NTraits, spells and other effects that are affected by the number of a certain creature race or class now work with dead creatures as well.種族数、クラス数の影響を受ける特性、スペル、その他の効果は、現在死んでいるクリーチャーの数も含むことができる。


Ascendant1100YYour creature with the highest Health starts battles at the top of the Timeline.最高ヘルスを持つクリーチャーは、戦闘開始時タイムラインの一番上になる。
Cusp1100YIf your creatures have at least 3 debuffs, they Defend at the end of their turn.味方は少なくとも3つのデバフを持っている場合、ターン終了時に防御を行う。
Dying Stars205YIf you have at least 3 dead creatures, your other creatures have a 1% chance per rank to resurrect one of them with 50% Health after they deal damage with an attack or spell.
Maximum Bonus: 20% chance
Equinox1100YIf your creatures have at least 3 buffs, they gain a random minion at the start of their turn.味方は少なくとも3つのバフを持っている場合、ターン開始時にランダムなミニオンを1つ獲得する。
Fixed Signs205YIf your creatures have less than 80% Health, they heal themselves for 1% of their Maximum Health per rank at the start of their turn.
Maximum Bonus: Heal for 20% of Maximum Health
Lunar Eclipse330NYour creatures with the highest Intelligence per rank always Cast their top-most Spell Gem that has at least 1 Charge and isn’t Sealed at the end of their turn.
Maximum Bonus: Three creatures with the highest Intelligence
Mercury Retrograde1100YIf your creatures have at least 3 debuffs, they are resistant to debuffs.味方は少なくとも3つデバフを持っている場合、デバフに抵抗を持つ。
New Moon1100YIf your creatures have at least 5 buffs when they are killed, they are resurrected with 25% Health. The number of buffs required for this perk to activate increases by 1 each time it activates.死んだとき少なくとも5つバフを持っていた場合、25%ヘルスで復活する。
Solar Eclipse330NYour creatures with the highest Attack per rank always Attack at the end of their turn.
Maximum Bonus: Three creatures with the highest Attack
Stars Align1100YIf your creatures have at least 7 different minions, their attacks instantly kill enemies in normal battles, and deal 100% more damage in non-normal battles.パーティで少なくとも7種の異なるミニオンを持っている場合、通常戦闘で敵を一撃死させ、イベント戦では100%追加ダメージを得る。
Stellar Blessing330YYour creatures with the highest Intelligence per rank don’t consume Charges when they Cast spells.
Maximum Bonus: Three creatures with the highest Intelligence
Summer Solstice520YYour creatures at the top half of the Timeline gain 1% Attack per rank at the start of each creature’s turn.
Maximum Bonus: 5% Attack gained
Synastry1100YYour creature with the highest Defense always Provokes at the end of their turn.最高防御力を持つクリーチャーは、ターン終了時に挑発する。
Transit1100YYour creature with the highest Speed always Attacks enemies that deal damage to it.最高素早さを持つクリーチャーは、自身にダメージを与えた敵に反撃する。
Winter Solstice520YYour creatures at the bottom half of the Timeline gain 1% Defense per rank at the start of each creature’s turn.
Maximum Bonus: 5% Defense gained
11NIf your creatures have been killed in the current battle, they deal 90% more damage and take 60% less damage.現在の戦闘で殺された場合、与ダメージが90%増加し、被ダメージが60%減少する。


Anger Management1100YAfter your creatures’ on-heal effects activate, their on-death effects activate as well.回復時効果が発動すると、死亡時効果も発動する。
Aversion1100YAfter your creatures’ on-defend effects activate, their on-provoke effects activate as well.防御時効果が発動すると、挑発時効果も発動する。
Blind Fury250YYour creatures’ on-attack and on-cast effects trigger 1 additional time per rank after they Attack or Cast a spell.
Maximum Bonus: 2 additional times
Defiance250YYour creatures’ on-heal, on-death and on-resurrect effects trigger 1 additional time per rank after they are healed, killed or resurrected.
Maximum Bonus: 2 additional times
Domination1100YYour creatures have a 3% chance to avoid damage (up to 50%) for each time their on-buff, on-debuff, and on-minion effects activated in the current battle.バフ時効果、デバフ時効果、ミニオン効果が現在の戦闘で発動するたび、ダメージを回避する確率を3%(最大50%まで)得る。
Detainment1100YYour creatures take 5% less damage (up to 90%) for each time their on-defend and on-provoke effects activated in the current battle.防御時効果、挑発時効果が現在の戦闘で発動するたび、被ダメージが5%(最大90%まで)減少する。
Eruption1100YAfter your creatures’ on-attack effects activate, their on-resurrect effects activate as well.攻撃時効果が発動すると、復活時効果も発動する。
Momentum1010YYour creatures have a 5% chance per rank to double the value of all their actions (damage, healing, stat gains, etc).
Maximum Bonus: 50% chance
Obscuration250YYour creatures’ on-critical and on-dodge effects trigger 1 additional time per rank after they deal critical damage or dodge.
Maximum Bonus: 2 additional times
Outburst1100YYour creatures have 1% more stats (other than Health) per rank for each time their on-action effects activated in the current battle.行動時効果が現在の戦闘で発動するたび、ヘルスを除くステータスが1%増加する。
Recklessness1100YYour creatures have an independent 5% chance to deal critical damage and dodge attacks for each time their on-critical and on-dodge effects activated in the current battle.クリティカル時効果、回避時効果が現在の戦闘で発動するたび、独立したクリティカル率と回避率を5%獲得する。
Siegebreaker1100YYour creatures deal 10% more damage for each time their on-attack effects activated in the current battle.攻撃時効果が現在の戦闘で発動するたび、10%追加ダメージを得る。
Soul Rending1100YWhen your creatures are killed, they have a 5% chance (up to 50%) to be resurrected with 50% Health for each time their on-heal, on-death, and on-resurrect effects activated in the current battle.回復時効果、死亡時効果、復活時効果が現在の戦闘で発動するたび、クリーチャーが死亡時にヘルス50%で復活する確率を5%(最大50%)獲得する。
Unbound Hatred250YYour creatures’ on-buff, on-debuff, and on-minion effects trigger 1 additional time per rank after they gain a buff, debuff, or minion.
Maximum Bonus: 2 additional times
Unleashed Power250YYour creatures’ on-defend and on-provoke effects trigger 1 additional time per rank after they Defend or Provoke.
Maximum Bonus: 2 additional times
11NYour creatures deal 5% more damage for each time their on-action effects activated in the current battle.行動時効果が発動するたび、5%追加ダメージを得る。


Acclimatization1100NAfter one of your creatures is afflicted with a debuff, your Herbling Casts Nutrition on it. This perk can activate once per turn.味方の1体にデバフが付与された後、HerblingはNutritionを詠唱する。このパークはターンごとに1度だけ発動する。
Angry Orchard1100NAt the start of your Herbling’s turn, it Casts Cruelty of the Wild. This spell has 20% more potency for each of your Herblings’ Tiers.Herblingのターン開始時、Cruelty of the Wildを詠唱する。HerblingのTierごとに20%効果が増加する。
Biodegradation1100NYour Herbling Attacks 1 additional time for each Tier it has.HerblingのTierごとに攻撃回数が1回追加される。
Cultivation1010NAt the start of your Herbling’s turn, it gains 1% of each stat per rank for each Tier it has.
Maximum Bonus: 10% of each stat
Deep Roots1100NIf your Herbling is the first creature in your party, it Provokes at the end of its turn. If your Herbling is the sixth creature in your party, it Defends at the end of its turn.Herblingがパーティの先頭時:ターン終了後に挑発する。パーティの最後尾:ターン終了後に防御する。
Defensins1100NYour Herbling is resistant to debuffs. Your Herbling is unable to be afflicted with debuffs while it is at Tier 3 or higher.Herblingはデバフに耐性を得る。Tierが3以上の場合デバフを受けなくなる。
Eternal Blossom1100NAt the end of your Herbling’s turn, it Casts Wild Growth. This spell affects a number of allies equal to its Tier.Herblingのターン終了時、ワイルドグロウスを詠唱する。同じTierの味方の数により影響を受ける。
Nature’s Wrath1100NYour Herbling always has an additional buff for each Tier it has: Agile, Savage, Leeching, Splashing, Berserk, and Arcane.Herblingは属するTierごとに常にバフを獲得する。
Offense Mechanism1100NAfter your Herbling Attacks, it casts Shellbust on the target.Herblingが攻撃後、ターゲットにシェルバストを詠唱する。
Parasitic Fertilization1100NAt the start of your Herbling’s turn, it casts Germinate. This spell affects a number of enemies equal to its Tier.Herblingのターン開始時、Germinateを詠唱する。同じTierの敵の数により影響を受ける。
Photosynthesis1100NYour Herbling has 3% more stats (other than Health) for each time it has received healing, gained stats, received buffs or minions, or has been resurrected in battle. Every 15% stats earned through this perk causes the Herbling to evolve to a higher Tier at the start of its turn.Herblingはその戦闘で被回復、ステータス増加、バフやミニオンの被付与、被復活のたびに、ヘルスを除くステータスが3%増加する。15%増加するごとにターン開始時HerblingのTierが一つ上に進化する。
Rapid Transformation1100NYour Herbling deals 25% more damage and takes 15% less damage for each Tier it has.HerblingはTierごとに与ダメージが25%増加し、被ダメージが15%減少する。
Strangler1010NAt the start of your Herbling’s turn, enemies lose stats equal to 1% of your Herbling’s stats per rank for each Tier it has.
Maximum Bonus: 10% stat loss per Tier
Symbiosis1100NAt the end of your creatures’ turns, your Herbling gains 1 stack of Spiderlings.ターン終了後、Herblingはクモのスタックを1つ獲得する。
Synthetic Resin1100NYour Herbling Casts 1 additional time for each Tier it has.HerblingはTierごとに詠唱回数が1追加される。
11NYour Herbling evolves 50% faster.Herblingの進化は50%速くなる。


Dark Covenant1010YYour dead creatures have 5% more stats per rank.
Maximum Bonus: 50% more stats
Designated Survivor1010YIf you only have 1 living creature, it has a 5% chance per rank to avoid damage.
Maximum Bonus: 50% chance
Destiny Bond1100YYour creatures’ buffs and minions persist through death.バフとミニオンは死んでも消えない。
Eternal Damnation1010YYour creatures deal 1% more damage per rank for each time your creatures have been killed in the current battle.
Maximum Bonus: 10% more damage
From the Grave1010YYour dead creatures Attack a random enemy for 10% additional damage per rank every 3 turns.
Maximum Bonus: 100% additional damage
Intangibility520YAt the start of each enemy’s turn, they have a 1% chance per rank to be sent to the bottom of the TImeline for each dead creature on your side.
Maximum Bonus: 5% chance
Last Word1010YAfter your creatures Provoke, they give your creatures 3% of their stats per rank and are killed.
Maximum Bonus: 30% stats given
Life After Death1100NYour creatures’ traits are active even while they’re dead. This perk does not affect traits that cause creatures to intercept or take damage in place of their allies.特性効果は死んでも発動する。このパークは味方の代わりにダメージを受ける、入れ替わるなどのTraitには発動しない。
Madness1100YYour creatures Attack 1 additional time for each dead creature on your side.味方の死亡数ごとに攻撃回数が1回追加される。
Masochism520YYour creatures take 3% less damage per rank for each dead creature fighting on your side.
Maximum Bonus: 15% less damage
Medium1100YYour creatures Cast spells 1 additional time for each dead creature on your side.味方の死亡数ごとに詠唱回数が1回追加される。
Misery1100YAfter your creatures are killed, one of your other creatures casts Murder of Crows.味方死亡後、1体の味方はマーダーオブクロウを詠唱する。
Never Forgotten1100YYour creatures’ stat changes persist through death.ステータスの変化は死んでも持続する。
Psychic Suicide1010YYour dead creatures Cast one of their spells with 10% more potency per rank every 5 turns.
Maximum Bonus: 100% more potency
Trauma1010YYour creatures deal 3% more damage per rank for each dead creature on your side.
Maximum Bonus: 30% more damage
Time to Die
11NAt the start of battle, your creatures Provoke if their top-most Spell Gem slot is empty.戦闘開始時、ジェムスロットの一番上が空いている場合挑発する

ルーンナイト/Rune Knight

Aegis330YYour creatures take 1% less damage per rank (up to 90%) for each time your creatures Cast Rune of Lua in the current battle.
Maximum Bonus: 3% less damage per Lua cast
現在の戦闘でRune of Luaを詠唱するたび、ランクごとに1%(最大90%)被ダメージが減少する。
Aggression1010YYour creatures deal 1% more damage per rank with attacks for each time your creatures cast Rune of Cor in the current battle.
Maximum Bonus: 10% more damage per Cor cast
現在の戦闘でRune of Corを詠唱するたび、攻撃での与ダメージがランクごとに1%増加する。
Covenant150YIf your creatures have Cast each Rune spell at least once in the current battle, they activate your creatures’ on-attack effects 1 additional time.Runeスペルを少なくとも1度詠唱している場合、攻撃時効果は1回追加される。
Crescendo520YYour creatures gain and reduce stats 1% more per rank for each time your creatures Cast Rune of Dun in the current battle.
Maximum Bonus: 5% stat change potency per Dun cast
現在の戦闘でRune of Dunを詠唱するたび、ランクごとに1%ステータスを獲得し、敵のステータスを減少する。(?)
Destiny1010YYour creatures have an independent 1% chance per rank to dodge and deal critical damage for each time your creatures Cast Rune of Nax in the current battle.
Maximum Bonus: 10% chance per Nax cast
現在の戦闘でRune of Naxを詠唱するたび、ランクごとに1%、独立した回避率・クリティカル率を獲得する。
Diabolism1100NYour creatures are immune to Silenced and their Rune Spell Gems cannot be Sealed.沈黙にならなくなり、Runeスペルジェムは封印されない。
Discharge205YYour creatures’ Rune spells have a 1% chance to target all enemies for each time your creatures Cast a Rune spell in the current battle.
Maximum Bonus: 20% chance
Embiggen1010YYour creatures deal 1% more damage per rank with spells for each time your creatures cast rune of Sah in the current battle.
Maximum Bonus: 10% more damage per Sah cast
現在の戦闘でRune of Sahを詠唱するたび、ランクごとにスペルダメージが1%増加する。
Empowerment250YIf your creatures have Cast each Rune spell at least once in the current battle, they Cast 1 additional time per rank and no longer consume Charges.
Maximum Bonus: 2 additional casts
Inspirit150YYour creatures’ Rune spells grant them a buff which differs based on which spell it is.
Cor: Savage
Dun: Berserk
Lua: Shelled
Nax: Agile
Sah: Arcane
Cor: 野蛮
Dun: 凶暴
Lua: 被殻
Nax: 敏捷
Sah: 神秘
Rune of Lua1100YAt the start of battle, your Life creatures gain Rune of Lua.戦闘開始時、ライフの味方はRune of Luaを獲得する。
Rune of Cor1100YAt the start of battle, your Chaos creatures gain Rune of Cor.戦闘開始時、カオスの味方はRune of Corを獲得する。
Rune of Dun1100YAt the start of battle, your Death creatures gain Rune of Dun.戦闘開始時、デスの味方はRune of Dunを獲得する。
Rune of Nax1100YAt the start of battle, your Nature creatures gain Rune of Nax.戦闘開始時、ネイチャーの味方はRune of Naxを獲得する。
Rune of Sah1100YAt the start of battle, your Sorcery creatures gain Rune of Sah.戦闘開始時、ソーサリーの味方はRune of Sahを獲得する。
Ruse150YYour creatures’ Rune spells are granted powerful properties at the start of battle.
Magnetic, Increased Damage, and 24% Defense Penetration
Undermine150YYour creatures’ Rune spells afflict enemies with a debuff which differs based on which spell it is.
Cor: Burning
Dun: Bleeding
Lua: Confused
Nax: Poisoned
Sah: Bomb
Cor: 燃焼
Dun: 出血
Lua: 混乱
Nax: 毒
Sah: ボム
Runic Might
11NYour creatures’ Rune spells have 10% more potency for each Charge they’re missing.Runeスペルはそれぞれのチャージ消費数ごとに10%効果が増加する。


Attunement520NYour creatures have 5% more Attack, Intelligence, Defense, and Speed per rank for each Chaos, Sorcery, Death or Nature Infusions you have. Your creatures take 1% less damage per rank for each Life Infusion you have.
Maximum Bonus: 25% more stats, 5% less damage per infusion
Chaos Infusion1100NAfter your creatures manually Cast a Chaos spell, you gain 1 Chaos Infusion. When any of your creatures manually Cast a spell, they decrease the enemies’ stats by 1% for each Chaos Infusion you have.カオススペルを手動詠唱後、カオス インフュージョンを1つ獲得する。手動詠唱時カオス インフュージョンごとに敵のステータスを1%減少する。
Chromatic Layering520NYou start battles with 1 Infusion per rank, up to 1 per class.
Maximum Bonus: 5 Infusions
Chrono Shift1100YAfter your creatures manually Cast a spell, they also Cast the Spell Gem below it.手動詠唱後、そのジェムの下のスペルを詠唱する。
Death Infusion1100NAfter your creatures manually Cast a Death spell, you gain 1 Death Infusion. After any of your creatures manually Cast a spell, they afflict enemies with 1 random debuff as long as you have at least 1 Death Infusion, plus 1 additional random debuff for every 3 Death Infusions you have beyond that.デススペルを手動詠唱後、デス インフュージョンを1つ獲得する。手動詠唱時デス インフュージョンごとにランダムなデバフを敵に付与する。さらデスインフュージョンを3つ所持するごとに追加で1つデバフを付与する。
Elemental Empowerment520NYour creatures’ spells are 10% more potent per rank for each time your creatures have Cast Colorwave in the current battle.
Maximum Bonus: 25% more potency
Eternal Echo250YYour creatures Cast spells 1 additional time per rank.
Maximum Bonus: 2 additional casts
Infinity1100NAfter your creatures have collectively Cast Colorwave at least 5 times, they can continue to Cast it for the rest of the battle and it consumes no Infusions.カラーウェーブを少なくとも5回、集合的に詠唱後、残りの戦闘時間も詠唱し続けられ、詠唱のためにインフュージョンを消費しない。
Inspirited Gems520YYour creatures’ “Cast On…” properties have a 1% additional chance per rank to activate.
Maximum Bonus: 5% chance
Life Infusion1100NAfter your creatures manually Cast a Life spell, you gain 1 Life Infusion. After any of your creatures manually Cast a spell, they heal your creatures for 10% of their Health for each Life Infusion you have, and gain a Barrier that absorbs damage equal to the amount of Health recovered.ライフスペルを手動詠唱後、ライフ インフュージョンを1つ獲得する。手動詠唱後、ライフ インフュージョン数ごとにヘルスを10%回復し、回復量と同値のバリアを得る。
Nature Infusion1100NAfter your creatures manually Cast a Nature spell, you gain 1 Nature Infusion. After any of your creatures manually Cast a spell, their stats are increased by 3% for each Nature Infusion you have.ネイチャースペルを手動詠唱後、ネイチャー インフュージョンを1つ獲得する。手動詠唱後、ネイチャー インフュージョン数ごとにステータスが3%増加する。
Prismatic Barrier1100NWhile you have at least 1 Infusion that matches your creatures’ classes, those creatures are resistant to debuffs.クラスに一致するインフュージョンを少なくとも1つ持っている場合、デバフに耐性を得る。
Sorcery Infusion1100NAfter your creatures manually Cast a Sorcery spell, they gain 1 Sorcery Infusion. When any of your creatures manually Cast a spell, your creatures gain 1 random buff as long as you have at least 1 Sorcery Infusion, plus 1 additional random buff for every 3 Sorcery Infusions you have beyond that.ソーサリースペルを手動詠唱後、ソーサリー インフュージョンを1つ獲得する。手動詠唱後、ソーサリー インフュージョンを少なくとも1つ所持している場合、ランダムなバフを得る。ソーサリー インフュージョンを3つ所有するごとに追加で1つバフを獲得する。
Temporal Anomaly1100YAfter your creatures manually Cast a spell, they also Cast the Spell Gem above it.手動詠唱後、そのジェムの上のスペルを詠唱する。
Ultimate Manifestation1100NWhile you have at least 1 stack of each Infusion, your creatures can Cast Colorwave. After your creatures cast Colorwave, you lose 1 of each Infusion.各インフュージョンのスタックが少なくとも1つある間、カラーウェーブを詠唱する。カラーウェーブ詠唱後、各インフュージョンを1つ失う。
Spectral Affinity
11NWhen you gain an Infusion, you gain another Infusion of the type you have the least Infusions of.インフュージョン獲得時、最もスタックの少ないインフュージョンを1つ獲得する。


Antipode1100YWhen an enemy with Inverted gains stats, they have a 50% chance to lose stats instead.反転の敵がステータスを獲得すると、代わりに50%の確率でステータスを失う。
Antithesis1010YAfter your creatures Attack, they afflict the enemy with Inverted. The potency of this debuff is equal to 10% of the damage they caused per rank.
Maximum Bonus: 100% of the damage
Contrarian1100YWhen an enemy with Inverted gains a buff, they have a 50% chance to gain a random debuff instead.反転の敵がバフを獲得すると、代わりに50%の確率でランダムなデバフを獲得する。
Counterintuitive1100YWhen your creatures afflict each other with a debuff, they gain a random buff instead.味方がデバフを付与されたとき、代わりにランダムなバフを獲得する。
Damned Visions1100YAfter your creatures Cast a spell, they afflict a random enemy with Inverted. The potency of this debuff is equal to 10% of the caster’s highest stat.スペル詠唱後、ランダムな敵に反転を付与する。反転の効果は詠唱者の最も高いステータスの10%に相当する。
Delusion of Grandeur1010YYour creatures deal additional damage with attacks and spells equal to 1% of the enemy’s Inverted potency per rank.
Maximum Bonus: 10% of potency
Edge of Reality1100YAfter an enemy is killed, the potency of their Inverted debuff is added to the potency of all other enemies’ Inverted debuffs.敵死亡後、反転の効果は他のすべての敵の反転に加算される。
Eternal Dream1100YEnemies cannot be immune to Inverted.敵は反転に抵抗できない
Hallucination1100YWhen your creatures reduce each others’ stats, they gain those stats instead.味方がステータスを減少させたとき、代わりにステータスを増加させる。
Late Confessions1010YWhen the enemies’ Inverted debuff activates, there is a 5% chance per rank that its potency will not be decreased.
Maximum Bonus: 50% chance
Losing Touch1100YYour creatures are immune to Blighted.枯渇にならない。
Lost in the Echo330YAfter an enemy is killed, all other enemies take damage equal to 10% of the potency of their Inverted debuff per rank.
Maximum Bonus: 30% of the potency
Paradox1100YYour creatures can trigger healing effects even while they’re at full Health.ヘルスが満タンの場合でも回復時効果が発動する。
Question Everything1100YWhen your creatures deal damage to each other, they are healed instead of taking damage.味方にダメージを与えた時、代わりに回復する。
Unfurling Nightmare1010YAt the start of battle, enemies are afflicted with Inverted. The potency of this debuff is equal to 1% of their highest stat per rank.
Maximum Bonus: 10% of highest stat
Lucid Dreams
11NEnemies’ Inverted debuffs lose 50% less potency when they activate.反転は発動時に失われる効果は50%減少する。


Armor Shred254NYour creatures’ attacks and spells ignore 1% of the enemies’ Defense per rank.
Maximum Bonus: 25% Defense ignored
Barricade1100YWhen your creatures are Defending, the creatures adjacent to them take 50% less damage.防御時、隣接する味方は被ダメージが50%減少する。
Defensive Stance1100YYour creatures take 5% less damage (up to 90%) for each time they’ve Defended in the current battle.現在の戦闘で防御するたび、被ダメージが5%(最大90%)減少する。
Explosive Armor1100YAfter your creatures Defend, they gain 10% Defense and a Barrier that absorbs damage equal to the amount of Defense gained. If the creature already has a Barrier, it explodes, dealing damage to enemies equal to 50% of the Barrier strength.防御後、10%の防御力と同値のバリアを獲得する。すでにバリアがある場合、爆発しバリア量の50%分のダメージを与える。
In Formation1100YYour creatures start battles Defending.戦闘開始時に防御する。
Last Stand1100YWhen your creatures take damage that exceeds 100% of their Maximum Health, they have a 50% chance to be left with 1 Health.最大ヘルスの100%を超えるダメージを受けた時、50%の確率で1だけ残る。
Lucidity1100YYour creatures are immune to Confused.混乱にならない。
No Weak Links1100YAt the start of battle, your creatures gain Defense equal to 50% of their highest stat.戦闘開始時、最高のステータスの50%分、Defenceを獲得する。
Rest Up1100YAfter your creatures Defend, their Spell Gems gain 1 Charge.防御後、スペルジェムはチャージを1獲得する。
Shield Guard1100YYour creatures gain 100% more benefit from their Artifacts’ Stat Slots that increase Defense.防御力を強化するアーティファクトのステータススロットは100%効果が増加する。
Purge1100YAfter your creatures Defend, their debuffs are removed and they gain a random buff for each debuff removed.防御後、デバフが取り除かれ、同じ数バフを獲得する。
The Best Offense1010YYour creatures deal additional damage with attacks and spells equal to 3% of their Defense per rank.
Maximum Bonus: 30% of Defense
Thorns1100YAfter your creatures take damage from an attack or spell, they deal damage to enemies equal to 15% of their Defense.攻撃やスペル被弾時、防御力の15%分をダメージとして与える。
Titanic Rage1100YYour creatures deal 150% more damage to enemies that are Defending or Provoking.防御か挑発している敵に150%追加ダメージを与える。
War Machine1100YAfter your creatures Provoke, they Defend.挑発後、防御する。
Furious Protector
11NYour creatures always deal critical damage and never dodge.常にクリティカルヒットさせるが、回避できなくなる。


Accumulation520YAt the start of your creatures’ turns, they gain 1% Speed per rank, plus additional Speed equal to 1% per rank of the amount of Speed they’ve gained in the current battle.
Maximum Bonus: 5% Speed
Aeroforged1010YYour creatures gain 3% more benefit from their Artifacts’ Stat Slots per rank, other than Health.
Maximum Bonus: 30% more benefit
Born Again1100NAfter your creatures are killed from start-of-battle effects, they are resurrected with 50% Health.戦闘開始時効果で殺された場合、50%ヘルスで復活する。
Derivation520YAfter your creatures gain stats other than Speed, they gain Speed equal to 3% of the amount gained per rank.
Maximum Bonus: 15% of the amount
First Served330NAfter the order of the Timeline is determined at the start of battle, your creatures are moved up the Timeline 1 position higher per rank.
Maximum Bonus: 3 positions higher
Further Beyond1010YIncreases your creatures’ maximum stat limits before they are subjected to diminishing returns by 10% per rank.
Maximum Bonus: 100% higher limit
Inertia1100NYour creatures cannot lose stats.ステータスを失わなくなる。
Primordial1010YYour creatures’ Nether Stones are 5% more powerful per rank. This perk does not affect a Nether Stone’s traits, spells, or any Trick Slots that increase a creature’s maximum number of Spell Gem slots.
Maximum Bonus: 50% more power
Propulsion1010YYour creatures take 1% less damage per rank (up to 90%) for every 100% Speed they have greater than their base Speed.
Maximum Bonus: 10% less damage
Quick Hands1100YYour creatures are immune to Disarmed.武装解除にならない。
Retention1100YYour creatures’ stats are no longer reset after they’re killed.死んでもステータスはリセットされない。
Sidestep1100YIf your creatures’ Speed is greater than 200% of their base Speed, they are resistant to debuffs.基本素早さの200%を超えた場合、デバフに耐性を得る。
Singleton1100YEnemies can only Attack and Cast spells once at a time.敵は一度に一度だけ攻撃か詠唱ができる。
True Ending1100NAll creatures’ on-death effects are ignored. This perk does not affect the Born Again perk. This perk does not work in boss battles.死亡時効果は無視される。このパークはBorn Againパークには影響しない。このパークはボス戦では機能しない。
Velocity1010YYour creatures’ attacks and spells deal 3% of their damage per rank using Speed instead of Attack or Intelligence.
Maximum Bonus: 30% of speed
11NYour creatures always dodge. The first time your creatures Attack in battle, they have a 100% chance to deal critical damage.常に回避する。最初の攻撃は必ずクリティカルヒットする。


Apostle1010YAfter your Avatars Attack, your Godspawn have a 1% chance per rank to Attack a random enemy.
Maximum Bonus: 10% chance
Army of Gods250NYou can have 1 additional Avatar creature per rank in your party.
Maximum Bonus: 2 additional Avatars
Canonization1010YAfter your Avatars are killed, they give 10% of their stats per rank to your Godspawn.
Maximum Bonus: 100% of stats given
Deified Armaments1010YYour creatures’ Ultimate Spell Gems have 10% more potency per rank.
Maximum Bonus: 100% more potency
Martyr1100YAfter your Godspawn are killed, they are resurrected with 50% Health and transform into their respective Avatar.ゴッドスポーン死亡後、50%ヘルスで復活し、アバターに変身する。
Multitheism1100YAt the start of battle, your Godspawn creatures gain their respective Avatars’ trait.戦闘開始時、ゴッドスポーンはアバターのTraitを獲得する。
Nirvana330YAt the start of battle, your Avatars gain 1 random Ultimate Spell Gem per rank.
Maximum Bonus: 3 Ultimate Spells
Otherworldly1100YYour Avatars are resistant to debuffs.アバターはデバフに耐性を得る
Pact of the Gods1100YAt the start of battle, your Avatars’ Ultimate Spell Gems gain the “Generous” property.戦闘開始時、アバターの究極スペルジェムはジェネラス効果を獲得する。
Prophecy205YAfter your Godspawn Attack, they have a 1% chance per rank to Cast their respective Avatars’ respective Ultimate Spell.
Maximum Bonus: 20% chance
Syncretism1010YAfter your Avatars Cast a spell, your Godspawn have a 1% chance per rank to Cast that spell as well.
Maximum Bonus: 10% chance
Transcendence205YAfter your Godspawn Cast a spell, they have a 1% chance per rank to Cast their respective Avatars’ Ultimate Spell.
Maximum Bonus: 20% chance
Ultima330YAll Avatars’ Ultimate Spell Gems have 1 additional Charge per rank.
Maximum Bonus: 3 additional charges
Undying Exaltation1100YAfter your Avatars have been dead for 7 turns, they are resurrected with 50% Health.アバターのが7ターンで死亡後、50%ヘルスで復活する。
Unstoppable Force1100YUltimate Spell Gems cannot be Sealed.究極スペルジェムは封印できない。
11NYour Avatars have 50% more benefit from the Godforge.アバターはゴッドフォージから50%多くの効果を得る。


Addictive Effect520YYour creatures deal additional damage equal to 4% of the potency of their Poisoned debuff per rank.
Maximum Bonus: 20% of poison potency
Bioassay1100YYour creatures’ spells that interact with Poisoned do not consume Charges.毒と作用するスペルはチャージ消費しない。
Breath of Death1100YIf an enemy dies while it is afflicted with Poisoned, all other enemies take damage equal to 50% of the potency of this debuff.毒を持った敵が死んだ場合、敵全体に効果の5%0分のダメージを与える。
Carcinogen1100YEnemies always have Poisoned.敵は常に毒を持つ。
Chronic Illness250YYour creatures take damage from Poison 1 additional time per rank.
Maximum Bonus: 2 extra poison damages
Confounding Factors520YYour creatures’ spells that interact with Poisoned have 20% more potency per rank.
Maximum Bonus: 100% extra potency
Diagnosis1100YYour creatures always have Poisoned. Your creatures can take a maximum of 50% of their Current Health as damage from Poisoned.味方は常に毒を持つ。現在ヘルスの50%分を毒ダメージとして受ける。
Dispersing Plague1100YAfter your creatures take damage from Poison, they have a 20% chance to Cast Virus.味方が毒からダメージを受けた後、20%の確率でウィルスを詠唱する。
Inoculate1100YYour creatures take 10% (up to 80%) less damage from attacks and spells for each time they’ve taken damage from Poisoned in the current battle.現在の戦闘で味方が毒からダメージを受けるたび、攻撃やスペルによるダメージを10%(最大80%)減少する。
Neurotoxicity1100YEnemies take 1% more damage from attacks and spells for each time each enemy has taken damage from Poisoned in the current battle.各敵は現在の戦闘で毒からダメージを受けるたび、攻撃やスペルからの与ダメージが1%増加する。
Plague of Toads1100YAfter your creatures Attack, they have a 20% chance to Cast Toxic Frogmania.攻撃後、20%の確率でトキシックフログマニアを詠唱する。
Prognosis1100YAfter your creatures take damage from Poisoned, one of your other creatures is healed for the same amount.味方が毒からダメージを受けた後、他の味方は同量回復する。
Side Effects1100YAfter an enemy takes damage from Poisoned, they are afflicted with a random debuff.敵が毒からダメージを受けた後、ランダムなデバフを得る。
Sudden Exposure1100YAfter your creaturess take damage from Poisoned, a random enemy takes this damage as well.味方が毒からダメージを受けた後、ランダムな敵も子のダメージを受ける。
Teratogen520YAfter a creature takes damage from Poisoned, the potency of all enemies’ Poisoned debuffs is increased by 5% per rank.
Maximum Bonus: 25% potency boost
Toxic Absorption
11NAfter your creatures take damage from Poisoned, they gain stats (other than Health) equal to 50% of the damage received.味方が毒からダメージを受けた後、ダメージの50%分ヘルス以外のステータスが増加する。


Arrogance is Confidence1100YYour creatures with Blighted ignore the effects of this debuff, and deal 50% more damage.枯渇の味方は枯渇の影響を無視し、50%増加したダメージを与える。
Ascent of the Damned1100YAfter your creatures attack, they cast Minor Healing, Healing, or Major Healing on themselves.攻撃後、自身にヒーリングを詠唱する。
Dark Souls1100YAfter your creatures Attack, they cast Minor Healing, Healing, or Major Healing on the target.攻撃後、ターゲットにヒーリングを詠唱する。
Dead Divinity1100YEnemies’ healing spells have 50% more potency.敵の回復スペルの効果は50%強化される。
Doomsday1100YAfter your creatures heal an enemy, they have a 25% chance to cast Ill Fate.味方が敵を回復した後、25%の確率でイルフェイトを詠唱する。
Dystopia1100YAfter an enemy casts a healing spell, each of your creatures have a 5% chance to Cast Shadow Crash.敵が回復スペル詠唱後、それぞれの味方は5%の確率でシャドウクラッシュを詠唱する。
Fall From Grace1100YEnemies receive 5% more healing for each time they’ve been damaged by Blighted in the current battle.敵は現在の戦いで枯渇によるダメージを受けるたび、被回復量が5%増加する。
Harrow1100YEnemies gain 50% less benefit from stat-boosting effects.敵はステータスブースト効果からの増加量が50%減少する。
Leeches1100YAfter an enemy attacks, it gains Leeching.敵が攻撃後、敵は吸血を獲得する。
Phantom Pain1100YAt the start of each enemy’s turn, they have a 25% chance to cast Minor Healing on themselves.各敵のターン開始時、25%の確率で自身にマイナーヒーリングを詠唱する。
Self-fulfilling Prophecy1100YAfter an enemy Casts a spell, it gains Mending.敵が詠唱後、敵は治療を獲得する。
Shadow Mending1100YYour creatures always have Leeching and Mending.味方は常に吸血と治療を獲得する。
Shadow Sickness1100YEnemies always have Blighted.敵は常に枯渇を得る。
Touch of Darkness1100YAfter your creatures damage an enemy, the enemy is healed for 20% of the damage dealt.敵にダメージを与えた後、ダメージ量の20%分回復される。
Worldbreaker1100YEnemies take 100% more damage from Blighted.敵は枯渇から100%多くダメージを受ける。
11NIf an enemy dies while it is afflicted with Blighted, it cannot be resurrected.敵は枯渇を持ったまま死ぬと復活できない。


Annealment1100YEnemies take 35% more indirect damage.敵は間接による被ダメージが35%増加する。
Dimensional Stability250YEnemies’ Bomb debuffs detonate 1 additional time per rank.
Maximum Bonus: 2 additional detonations
Dismantlement1100YEnemies deal 5% less damage (up to 80%) for each time they’ve been damaged by Bomb in the current battle.敵は現在の戦いでボムからのダメージを受けるたび、5%(最大80%)被ダメージが減少する。
Drone Bait335YAfter an enemy’s Bomb debuff detonates, one of your creatures gains 1 stack of Microbots per rank.
Maximum Bonus: 3 stacks of Microbots
Energy Efficient1100YYour creatures’ spells that interact with Bomb do not consume Charges.ボムと作用するスペルはチャージ消費しない。
Extrusion1100YEnemies’ Bomb debuffs deal 50% more damage for each time they’ve been damaged by this debuff in the current battle.敵は現在の戦闘でボムからダメージを受けるたび、ボムのダメージが50%増加する。
Grand Finale1100YAfter your creatures are killed, they cast Corpse Explosion.味方死亡後、コープスエクスプロージョンを詠唱する。
Heat Distortion1100YEnemies with Bomb have 20% less stats (excluding Health).ボムを持つ敵はヘルスを除くステータスが20%減少する。
Impact Resistance1100YAfter an enemy takes damage from Bomb, your creatures gain a Barrier that absorbs damage equal to 100% of the damage dealt.敵がボムからダメージを受けた後、味方はダメージと同量のバリアを得る。
Light the Fuse1100YAfter your creatures attack, they cast Pyroburst on the target.攻撃後、パイロバーストを対象に詠唱する。
Locked and Loaded1100YAt the start of your creatures’ turns, they have a 20% chance to cast Explosive Arrow on a random enemy.味方のターン開始時、ランダムな敵に20%の確率でエクスプローシブアローを詠唱する。
Pinpoint1010YYour creatures deal 5% more damage per rank to enemies with Bomb.
Maximum Bonus: 50% more damage
Primed and Ready1100YAt the start of battle, enemies are afflicted with Bomb.戦闘開始時、敵はボムを得る。
Prototype1100YThe potency of enemies’ Bomb debuffs that are applied after start-of-battle effects is based on your creatures’ highest stats (other than Health) instead of Speed.戦闘開始後に敵に付与されたボム効果は、ヘルスを除く素早さではない最高のステータスを参照する。
Renewable Armaments1100YAfter an enemy’s Bomb detonates, it has a 35% chance to be afflicted with Bomb again.敵のボムが爆発後、35%の確率で再びボムを得る。
Chain Reaction
11NAfter an enemy takes damage from Bomb, all other enemies take this damage as well.敵がボムからダメージを受けた後、他のすべての敵もこのダメージを受ける。


Autograt1100YAfter start-of-battle effects are determined, your creatures’ Booze spells gain the ‘Chance to Attack’, ‘Chance to Defend’, and ‘Chance to Provoke’ properties.戦闘開始時効果が適用された後、ブーズスペルは攻撃時・防御時・挑発時確率を獲得する。
Brewmaster’s Handshake1100YYour creatures can cast Booze spells manually.ブーズスペルを手動詠唱できる。
Chaser1100YAfter your creatures manually cast a Booze spell, they have a 50% chance to Cast a random spell. Otherwise, they Attack a random enemy.ブーズスペルを手動詠唱後、50%の確率でランダムなスペルを詠唱する。できない場合、ランダムな敵を攻撃する。
Double Entendre1100YYour creatures’ Booze spells also have a chance to be Cast at the start of the equipped creatures’ turns.ブーズスペルは、装備しているクリーチャーのターン開始時に詠唱される可能性がある。
Experimental Cocktail1100YAt the start of battle, your creatures gain all Booze spells that belong to their class.戦闘開始時、味方はそのクラスに属するすべてのブーズスペルを獲得する。
Highball1100YYour creatures’ Booze spells count 50% less against their per-turn Casting limit.ブーズスペルは、ターンごとの詠唱上限に対するカウントが半減する。
Inebriation1100YEnemies have a 5% chance (up to 80%) to deal no damage for each time they’ve been affected by an Booze spell in the current battle.敵は、現在の戦闘でブーズスペルを受けた回数ごとに5%の確率(最大80%)でダメージを与えられなくなる。
Liquid Courage1100YYour creatures deal 3% more damage for each time they’ve cast a Booze spell in the current battle.現在の戦闘で詠唱したブーズスペルごとにダメージが3%増加する。
Muddle1100YYour creatures attack 1 additional time (up to 3) for every 5 Booze spells they’ve Cast in the current battle.現在の戦闘で詠唱したブーズスペル5回ごとに、追加で1回攻撃する(最大3回)。
Nightcap1100YEnemies cannot be resurrected if they have been affected by Booze spells at least 3 times in the current battle.敵は現在の戦闘で3回以上ブーズスペルの影響を受けている場合、復活できなくなる。
Numb the Pain1100YYour creatures have a 5% chance (up to 80%) to avoid damage for each time they’ve been affected by an Booze spell in the current battle.味方は現在の戦闘でブーズスペルの影響を受けた回数ごとに5%の確率(最大80%)でダメージを回避する。
On The House1100YYour creatures’ Booze spells do not consume Charges.ブーズスペルのチャージを消費しない。
Speed Rail1100YYour creatures cast Booze spells 1 additional time (up to 3) for every 5 Booze spells they’ve cast in the current battle.現在の戦闘でブーズスペルを5回詠唱するごとに、追加でブーズスペルを1回(最大3回)詠唱する。
Straight Up1100YYour creatures’ Booze spells cannot be Sealed.ブーズスペルは封印されない。
Top Shelf1100YYour creatures’ Booze spells have a 100% increased chance to be cast.ブーズスペルは、詠唱確率が100%上昇する。
Drunken Camaraderie
11NEnemies take a moderate amount of damage and your creatures are healed for a moderate amount when they are affected by your creatures’ Booze spells.ブーズスペルの効果を受けると、すべての敵は中程度のダメージを受け、味方は中程度回復する。


Brim Fiends1100YAt the start of your creatures’ turns, they gain 1 stack of Brim Fiends.ターン開始時、ブリムフィーンドを1スタックする。
Chaos Satyrs1100YAt the start of your creatures’ turns, they gain 1 stack of Chaos Satyr.ターン開始時、カオスサテュロを1スタックする。
Demonic Consumption1100YAfter any number of stacks of your creatures’ Lesser or Greater Demons go away, they recover 100% Health.レッサー・グレーターデーモンのスタックが消えた後、100%ヘルスが回復する。
Demonic Pact1100YYour creatures have 10% more stats (excluding Health) for each different Greater Demon your creatures have.所持するグレーターデーモンの種類ごとにヘルスを除くステータスが10%豪化する。
Drained Essence1100YYour creatures deal 3% more damage for each time all your creatures’ minions went away in the current battle.現在の戦闘でミニオンが消えるたび、味方のダメージは3%増加する。
Final Summoning1100YAfter your creatures’ Greater Demons go away, they cast a powerful spell depending on which Greater Demon went away.グレーターデーモンが消えた後、消えたデーモンに応じた強力なスペルを詠唱する。
Fire Imps1100YAt the start of your creatures’ turns, they gain 1 stack of Fire Imps.ターン開始時、ファイアインプを1スタックする。
Inner Demons1100YAfter any number of stacks of your creatures’ Lesser Demons go away, they gain 15% stats.レッサーデーモンが消えた後、15%のステータスを獲得する。
Reawakening1100YAfter your creatures sacrifice a Lesser Demon, each stack has a 35% chance to resurrect.レッサーデーモンを犠牲にした後、各スタックは35%の確率で復活する。
Renounce the Light1100YYour creatures cannot gain buffs or minions that are unrelated to this specialization. This perk is always active while your specialization is Demonologist, even if you haven’t allocated any Perk Points to it.この専門職と無関係のバフやミニオンを獲得できない。このパークはデモノロジストでいる限り、パークを取得していない場合も常に有効となる。
Soul Shield1100YYour creatures take 3% less damage (up to 80%) for each time all your creatures’ minions went away in the current battle.クリーチャーのミニオンが現在の戦闘ですべていなくなるたび、そのクリーチャーは被ダメージが3%(最大80%)減少する。
Summon Asmodeus1100YAt the start of battle, your Chaos creatures gain Asmodeus.戦闘開始時、カオスの味方はアスモデウスを獲得する。
Summon Beelzebub1100YAt the start of battle, your Death creatures gain Beelzebub.戦闘開始時、デスの味方はベルゼブブを獲得する。
Summon Belphegor1100YAt the start of battle, your Sorcery creatures gain Belphegor.戦闘開始時、ソーサリーの味方はベルフェゴールを獲得する。
Summon Leviathan1100YAt the start of battle, your Nature creatures gain Leviathan.戦闘開始時、ネイチャーの味方はリヴァイアサンを獲得する。
Summon Mammon1100YAt the start of battle, your Life creatures gain Mammon.戦闘開始時、ライフの味方はマンモンを獲得する。
Summon Satanachia1100YAt the start of battle, if your creatures collectively have Asmodeus, Beelzebub, Mammon, Leviathan, and Belphegor, they gain Satanachia.戦闘開始時、味方がアスモデウス、ベルゼブブ、ベルフェゴール、リヴァイアサン、マンモンを5体そろえて所持している場合、サタナキアを獲得する。
Void Shift1100YWhen your creatures’ Greater Demons would go away, they move to a different creature fighting on your side instead.グレーターデーモンが消えるとき、消えずに他の味方に移動する。
Summon Lucifer
11NAt the start of battle, if your creatures collectively have Asmodeus, Beelzebub, Mammon, Leviathan, and Belphegor, your creatures gain Lucifer.戦闘開始時、味方がアスモデウス、ベルゼブブ、ベルフェゴール、リヴァイアサン、マンモンを5体そろえて所持している場合、ルシファーを獲得する。


Acclimated Armaments1100YYour creatures’ Arsenal spells are 5% more potent for each time they’ve Cast an Arsenal spell in the current battle.アーセナルスペルの効果は、現在の戦闘でアーセナルスペル詠唱ごとに5%増加する。
Blacksmith’s Boon1100YYour creatures’ Trick Slots that apply buffs and debuffs have a 35% greater chance to activate.バフとデバフを適用するトリックスロットは、発動率が35%増加する。
Crowd Favorite1100YAfter your creatures’ Trick Slots activate, they gain a random Arsenal Spell.トリックスロットが発動後、ランダムなアーセナルスペルを詠唱する。
Double Time1100YYour creatures’ Trick Slots that apply buffs and debuffs affect 1 additional creature.バフとデバフを適用するトリックスロットは、効果が1回追加される。
Elbow Grease1100YYour creatures gain 50% more benefit from their Artifact’s Stat Slots.アーティファクトからのステータス効果が50%増加する。
Frenzy1100YYour creatures deal 15% more damage with attacks and spells for each debuff they afflicted from all your Artifacts’ Trick Slots.アーティファクトのトリックスロットから付与されたデバフは、攻撃とスペルダメージを15%増加する。
Grip of the Gods1100YYour creatures are immune to Disarmed.武装解除にならない。
Helping Hand1100YAfter your creatures’ Trick Slots activate, they resurrect an ally with 50% Health. If none of your creatures are dead, they heal an ally for 50% Health instead.トリックスロットが発動後、50%ヘルスで味方を復活する。味方が死んでいない場合、味方1体を50%ヘルス回復する。
Impending Victory1100Y50% of the potency of your creatures’ Arsenal Spells is based on their highest stat instead of Intelligence.アーセナルスペル効果の50%は、賢さの代わりに最高のステータスに基づく。
It’s Called a Lance1100YAfter your creatures manually Cast an Arsenal Spell, they cast a Living Lance spell. The type of Living Lance spell is based on the caster’s class.アーセナルスペルを手動詠唱後、リビングランスを詠唱する。この属性は詠唱者のクラスに基づく。
Nether Imbuement1010YYour creatures’ Nether Stones are 5% more powerful per rank. This perk does not affect a Nether Stone’s traits, spells, or any Trick Slots that increase a creature’s maximum number of Spell Gem slots.
Maximum Bonus: 50% more powerful
Reprimand1100YAfter your creatures Provoke, their Ethereal Spell Gems are transformed into random Arsenal Spells.挑発後、戦闘中獲得スペルジェムはランダムなアーセナルスペルに置き換わる。
Taking Measure1100YYour creatures take 10% less damage (up to 80%) for each buff they gained from all your Artifacts’ Trick Slots.トリックスロットから付与されたバフごとに10%(最大80%)被ダメージが減少する。
Turn the Tables1100YAfter your creatures manually Cast an Arsenal spell, they Attack a random enemy for 50% more damage.アーセナルスペルを手動詠唱後、ランダムな敵を50%追加ダメージで攻撃する。
War Paint1100YYour creatures have 10% more stats (other than Health) for each non-Ethereal Arsenal Spell they have equipped.挑発後、戦闘中獲得スペルジェムはランダムなアーセナルスペルに置き換わる。
Killing Machine
11NAt the end of your creatures’ turns, each of their Arsenal Spells have a 5% chance to be Cast.ターン終了時、各アーセナルスペルは5%の確率で詠唱される。


Carapace That Protects1100YThe first 3 times your creatures are resurrected, they gain 25%, 50%, and 100% Defense.復活時、復活3回目まで、防御力を25%,50%,100%獲得する。
Claws That Cast1100YThe first 3 times your creatures are resurrected, they gain 25%, 50%, and 100% Intelligence.復活時、復活3回目まで、賢さを25%,50%,100%獲得する。
Death’s Bane1100NThe first 3 times your creatures are resurrected, they attack random enemies 1, 2, and 3 times.復活時、復活3回目まで、ランダムな敵を1回、2回、3回攻撃する。
Death’s Echo1100NThe first 3 times your creatures are resurrected, they Cast their spells at random 1, 2, and 3 times.復活時、復活3回目まで、ランダムな敵を1回、2回、3回スペル詠唱する。
Dread Covenant1100YYour creatures take 25% less damage (up to 80%) for each time they’ve been resurrected in the current battle.現在の戦闘で復活するたび、25%(最大80%)被ダメージが減少する。
Eternal Legacy1100YThe first 3 times your creatures are resurrected, they gain a random trait that belongs to their race.復活時、復活3回目まで、種族に属するランダムな特性を獲得する。
Graveborn Bargain1100YThe first 3 times your creatures are resurrected, they gain 1, 2, and 3 random buffs.復活時、復活3回目まで、ランダムなバフを1つ、2つ、3つ獲得する。
Heart That Thrives1100YThe first 3 times your creatures are resurrected, they gain 25%, 50%, and 100% Maximum Health.復活時、復活3回目まで、ヘルスを25%,50%,100%獲得する。
Jaws That Bite1100YThe first 3 times your creatures are resurrected, they gain 25%, 50%, and 100% Attack.復活時、復活3回目まで、攻撃力を25%,50%,100%獲得する。
Legs That Carry1100YThe first 3 times your creatures are resurrected, they gain 25%, 50%, and 100% Speed.復活時、復活3回目まで、素早さを25%,50%,100%獲得する。
Mortal Vessel1100YYour creatures deal 50% more damage with attacks and spells for each time they’ve been resurrected in the current battle.現在の戦闘で復活するたび、攻撃やスペルは50%追加ダメージを得る。
Past Life Regression1100YYour creatures’ stat changes persist through death.ステータス変化は死んでも持続する。
Somnus1100NThe first 3 times your creatures die, they are resurrected with 25%, 50%, and 100% Health. Your creatures cannot be resurrected by any other means. Your creatures’ on-ressurect effects can activate only once at a time. This perk is always active while your specialization is Graveborn, even if you haven’t allocated any Perk Points to it.死亡時、死亡3回まで、25%,50%,100%のヘルスで復活する。他の手段で復活できなくなる。復活時効果は1度に1回だけ発動する。このパークは取得していない場合でも、グレイヴボーンであれば常に発動する。
Unnatural Causes1100NYour creatures that have been resurrected at least 1 time are resistant to debuffs. Your creatures that have been resurrected at least 3 times always have Immune.少なくとも1度復活したクリーチャーは、デバフに耐性を得る。少なくとも3回復活したクリーチャーはデバフにならない。
Visitors From Before1100YYour creatures’ buffs and minions persist through death.バフとミニオンは死んでも持続する。
From Beyond the Grave
11NIf your creatures have been resurrected at least 3 times in battle, their traits are active even while they’re dead. This perk does not affect traits that cause creatures to intercept or take damage in place of their allies.戦闘で少なくとも3回復活した場合、特性は死んでも発動する。このパークは味方の身代わりになるなどの特性は影響しない。


Bewilderment1100YAfter an enemy attacks, it has a 25% chance to be afflicted with Blind.敵が攻撃後、25%の確率で盲目を得る。
Circus Walk1100YThe first time your creatures Attack each turn, your other creatures have a 15% chance to Attack the enemy as well.各ターンで最初に攻撃時、他の味方も15%の確率でその敵を攻撃する。
Clic1100YThe first time your creatures Attack each turn, the target has a 15% chance to attack itself as well.各ターンで最初に攻撃時、ターゲットも自分自身を15%の確率で攻撃する。
Finger Painting1100YWhen an enemy gains a buff, one of your creatures gains that buff as well.敵がバフを獲得すると、味方の1体もそのバフを獲得する。
Follow the Leader1100YThe first time your creatures Cast a spell each turn, your other creatures have a 15% chance to Cast that spell as well.各ターンで最初にスペル詠唱時、他の味方も15%の確率でそのスペルを詠唱する。
Gesticulation1100YAfter an enemy Provokes, one of your creatures Provokes as well.敵が挑発後、味方の1体も挑発する。
Imitation1100YThe first time an enemy Casts a spell each turn, one of your creatures Casts that spell as well.各ターンで敵が最初に詠唱時、味方の1体もそのスペルを詠唱する。
Immobility1100YAt the start of your creatures’ turns, they have a 10% chance to Cast Aggravate.ターン開始時、アグリヴェイトを10%の確率で詠唱する。
Mock1100YAfter an enemy casts a spell, it has a 25% chance to be afflicted with Confused.敵が詠唱後、25%の確率で混乱を得る。
Pressure1100YThe first time an enemy Attacks each turn, one of your creatures Attacks a random enemy.各ターンで敵が最初に攻撃時、味方の1体もランダムな敵を攻撃する。
Pull the Rope1100YWhen an enemy afflicts your creatures with a debuff, a random enemy is afflicted with that debuff as well.敵が味方にデバフを与えると、ランダムな敵もそのデバフを得る。
Stationary Walk1100YYour creatures take 5% less damage (up to 80%) for each time an enemy has Cast a spell in the current battle.敵が現在の戦闘でスペル詠唱ごとに、味方の被ダメージが5%(最大80%)減少する。
Stillness and Silence1100YEnemies always have Cursed.敵は常に呪いを付与する。
The Lean1100YYour creatures deal 5% more damage with attacks and spells for each time an enemy has Attacked in the current battle.敵が現在の戦闘で攻撃するたび、攻撃とスペルは5%追加ダメージを得る。
Trapped In a Box1100YAfter an enemy Defends, one of your creatures Defends as well.敵が防御後、味方の1体も防御する。
11NThe chance for your Mime perks to activate is doubled.マイムパークが発動する確率は2倍になる。


Total Deprivation11YYour creatures’ Fused traits are ignored. You cannot use Avatar creatures. Your creatures’ Relic effects are ignored. This perk is always active while your specialization is Deprived, even if you haven’t allocated any Perk Points to it.味方の融合特性は無効になる。アヴァター族を使役できない。魔物のレリックは無効になる。このパークを取得していない場合でも、ディプライヴドでいる間は有効になる。
Simple Life
11NYou have a 100% increased chance to find Skins. This perk is always active, even if your specialization is not Deprived.スキン発見率が100%増加する。専門職がディプライヴドでない場合でも、常に有効になる。


Introversion11YYou can only use 3 creatures at a time. Your Druid anointments are ignored. This perk is always active while your specialization is Pariah, even if you haven’t allocated any Perk Points to it.1度に3体の魔物しか使役できない。ドルイドの聖油は無効になる。このパークを取得していない場合でも、パーリアでいる間は有効になる。
Lifelong Respite
11NYou have a 25% increased chance to find Nether Stones. This perk is always active, even if your specialization is not Pariah.ネザーストーン発見率が25%増加する。このパークはパーリアでない場合でも常に有効になる。


Master of All11500NYou can equip 10 additional Anointments.聖油を追加で10個装備できる。
11NYou can equip 3 additional Anointments, or 5 if you’ve ascended all other specializations.聖油を追加で3個装備できる。他職を全て昇天した場合、追加で5つ装備できる。

